Monday, June 20, 2016

U.S. Attorney General Scrubs Orlando 911 Transcripts Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 296


U.S. Attorney General Scrubs Orlando 911 Transcripts

U.S. Attorney General Scrubs Orlando 911 Transcripts

Reminiscent of other administration scrubbings, the public will not hear about his pledge of allegiance to the Islamic State. learn more


Michael Sinan: Mr. Gay Denmark and Practicing Muslim

Michael Sinan: Mr. Gay Denmark and Practicing Muslim

Michael Sinan was Mr Gay Denmark in 2012 and the first openly Muslim participant in Mr. Gay Europe & Mr Gay World 2013. learn more


Post Orlando, CAIR to Announce Funding of 'Islamophobic' Orgs

Ironically, CAIR themselves have refused to divulge their own funding sources, even when mandated by U.S. courts.

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Post Orlando, CAIR to Announce Funding of 'Islamophobic' Orgs

Open Letter to Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi

Egypt's harassment of women's rights lawyer and advocate Reda El-Danbouki and other human rights activists is shameless.

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Open Letter to Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi

How We Can Win the War Against ISIS and Why We Are Failing

Most suggestions have missed the point: We already have a legal duty to eradicate ISIS and that duty was solidified on March 17 this year.

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How We Can Win the War Against ISIS and Why We Are Failing

Pakistan Gives $2.8 Million to 'University of Jihad'

300 million Pakistani rupees have been awarded to a madrassa attended by several leading terrorist figures, including a prominent Taliban leader.

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Pakistan Gives $2.8 Million to 'University of Jihad'


Sohail Ahmed on the Islamist Ideology and the Orlando Attack

Sohail Ahmed on the Islamist Ideology and the Orlando Attack

Former radical Islamist Sohail Ahmed speaks to MSNBC's Rachel Maddow about his own transformation and the psychology of the Orlando attacker.



The Tale of the Brothers Laachraoui

Two brothers, both with the same biological parents and identical upbringing. One would represent their country, Belgium, at the Olympics and the other join ISIS and take part in the murder of 32 people in coordinated attacks.  

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The Tale of the Brothers Laachraoui


"I Find That Offensive!"

By Claire Fox

When you hear that now ubiquitous phrase "I find that offensive," you know you're being told to shut up. Social discourse is now dominated by competitive offense-claiming. But how did we become so thin-skinned? The author blames official multiculturalism's relativistic conflation of tolerance with positive "recognition" and narcissistic identity politics.

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[Re: 'Open Letter to Egyptian President Abdel Fatah el-Sisi']: El Sisi is the only decent leader of the Arab world. He was able to remove the Muslim Brothehood from power and is battling terrorism in Egypt. He deserves our praise and utmost support.



[Re:'How We Can Win the War Against ISIS and Why We Are Failing']: The big question where is the United Nations I thought they were organized to prevent this type of stuff from ever happening apparently they're all hiding under the desk in our New York office


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