Thursday, June 2, 2016

#TryBeatingMeLightly: Wife Beating from Toronto to Pakistan Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 289


#TryBeatingMeLightly: Wife Beating from Toronto to Pakistan

#TryBeatingMeLightly: Wife Beating from Toronto to Pakistan

Ironically, the Islamic law that allows a husband to 'lightly beat' his wife is being 'sold on the streets' of Toronto and protested in Pakistan. learn more





Dr. Zyad Fareeq: Meet the Secret Kurdish Kakai Religion

Dr. Zyad Fareeq: Meet the Secret Kurdish Kakai Religion

The Kakai are an ancient but persecuted sect. We spoke with an activist who explained the plight of his faith community in Iraq from extremists. learn more


Terror Cells Stockpiling Explosives, Says Europol Chief

The head of the European Police force's counter-terrorism department warned members of the European Parliament of the suspected build up.

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Terror Cells Stockpiling Explosives, Says Europol Chief

Erdogan Revs Hate Between Muslims and Turkey's Minorities

Apparently, Erdogan knows the easy and certain way of getting votes from much of Turkish public: target any non-Muslim community.

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Erdogan Revs Hate Between Muslims and Turkey's Minorities

Hijabs in the Workplace: To Wear or Not to Wear?

The EU Court of Justice's advocate opines that at work, an employee may be expected to moderate the exercise of his religion. How about in the U.S.?

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Hijabs in the Workplace: To Wear or Not to Wear?

Quietly, Liberal Muslims Are Defining Islam for Themselves

The Inclusive Mosque Initiative ran a service last week in Bern, Switzerland, in which women led the service and music was played.

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Quietly, Liberal Muslims Are Defining Islam for Themselves


ISIS: Don't Watch TV! It's 'Haram'

ISIS: Don't Watch TV! It's 'Haram'

In an effort to cut off outside influences, the Islamic State encourages followers to destroy their satellite receivers. Watch the smashing.



Islamist Extremism in the Workplace

Attend the world's first management conference on the subject of Islamic Radicalism in the Work Place on Capitol Hill, July 20, 2016.

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Islamist Extremism in the Workplace



[Re:'Denmark to Take Criminal Action Against Hate Preachers']: During Friday prayers in mosques all over the world, Muslims are calling for the defeat of all non-Muslims. It should be considered as hate speech and incitement to violence.



[Re:'UK Muslim Women Have Nowhere to Turn']: This is where I want to be involved! I'm so afraid for my fellow females forced under a veil of hate and oppression!


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