Monday, June 13, 2016

The Orlando Massacre Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 293


Florida Responds to Orlando Massacre

Florida Responds to Orlando Massacre

Clarion Project asked residents of Florida for their thoughts on the Orlando terror attack. We were inundated with replies. Here's a sample. learn more



5 Ways Islamists Set the Stage for the Orlando Attack

Muslim leaders may condemn the attacks, but that doesn't address the underlying ideology that says homosexuals are evil and worth of death.

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5 Ways Islamists Set the Stage for the Orlando Attack

Why the Orlando Attack?

Mateen seems to have targeted the venue as it was a gay club. Taking on the ideological underpinnings of this type of attack is vital.

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Why the Orlando Attack?

Bomb Targets Beirut Bank That Froze Hezbollah Accounts

The Blom Bank headquarters in central Beirut was hit on June 12. The bank complies with a U.S. law sanctioning banks that work with Hezbollah.

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Bomb Targets Beirut Bank That Froze Hezbollah Accounts


Imam Invited to Florida Says It Is Compassionate to Kill Gays

Imam Invited to Florida Says It Is Compassionate to Kill Gays

A visiting immam speaking at the Husseini Islamic Center in Sanford, Florida argues that it is "compassionate" to execute homosexuals, saying, "Let's get rid of them now." Why was he invited to speak at a Florida Islamic center?



The Orlando Selfie

Andy Ngo was at a gay club in Portland Oregon during the Orlando shooting and shares his shock on reading the breaking news. 

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The Orlando Selfie

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