Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Florida Prof Endorses Severing Hands, Blasphemy Laws Facebook Twitter Youtube

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Florida Prof Endorses Severing Hands, Blasphemy Laws

Florida Prof Endorses Severing Hands, Blasphemy Laws

The professor, who is also a mosque official, has also supported outlawing speech that he perceives as "blasphemy," like criticizing Islam. learn more


Islamic State Plotting to Attack Euro 2016 Games in France

Plans discovered on the computer of Paris attacker Saleh Abdeslam discussed targeting English and Russian soccer fans this summer in Marseilles.

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Islamic State Plotting to Attack Euro 2016 Games in France

Report: ISIS Killing Own Fighters in Fallujah Onslaught

Because ISIS cannot cope with such large numbers of wounded fighters, they are supposedly killing them to avoid a bad psychological effect on the other fighters.

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Report: ISIS Killing Own Fighters in Fallujah Onslaught

UK Muslim Women Have Nowhere to Turn

Muslim women in the UK are caught between both societal and religious oppression causing growing frustration.

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UK Muslim Women Have Nowhere to Turn

Muslim Man In Uganda Kills His Wife for Leaving Islam

Murders of those who leave Islam will continue until the 'right to apostatize' is enshrined as a universal principle.

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Muslim Man In Uganda Kills His Wife for Leaving Islam

Denmark to Take Criminal Action Against Hate Preachers

In Sweden, an Islamic School was denied funding and its permit for fears that it was radicalizing its students.

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Denmark to Take Criminal Action Against Hate Preachers

Paranoid and Losing, ISIS Could Get Even More Brutal

A paranoid, ideological and revolutionary regime that's losing on the battlefield is a recipe for infighting and horrendous purges against 'traitors.'

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Paranoid and Losing, ISIS Could Get Even More Brutal


UNRWA: Teaching Palestinian Children to Hate

UNRWA: Teaching Palestinian Children to Hate

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) decribes itself as a relief and human development agency. Yet children are learning hate in UNRWA schools.



Apostasy Shed Blood -- Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid

"If a Muslim apostatizes and meets the conditions of apostasy – i.e., he is of sound mind, an adult and does that of his own free will – then his blood may be shed with impunity."



- Sheikh Muhammed Salih Al-Munajjid
Founder,, largest Salafi website in world


We Must Prosecute After 17-Year Old Dies Post FGM

Egypt's leading lawyer on FGM offers his views on the latest horrific case in which circumcision was performed on twin girls.

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We Must Prosecute After 17-Year Old Dies Post FGM


Nothing to do with Islam?: Investigating the West's Most Dangerous Blind Spot

Nothing to do with Islam?: Investigating the West's Most Dangerous Blind Spot

By Peter Townsend

One of the most depressing realities of modern life is the regularity with which deadly attacks are carried out in the name of Islam. Almost as depressing are the invariable reassurances by Western political leaders and media elites that these acts of violence had 'nothing to do with Islam.' The author examines the evidence as far as the possible link between Islam and violence is concerned. He does this by carefully analyzing the foundational texts of Islam (most notably the Qur'an and traditions), as well as the canonical set of stock responses whenever such a link is asserted. The question whether Islam promotes violence could very well be one of the most important questions ever faced by Western civilization. It deserves more attention and analysis than a few glib sound bites.

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[Re: 'Report: ISIS Killing Own Fighters in Fallujah Onslaught']: This is the BEST NEWS I've read in a long time. Not only savages, they're idiots as well. I love it.



[Re:'Florida Prof Endorses Severing Hands, Blasphemy Laws']: Hopefully, parents footing the tuition bills for an FAU education will wise up and transfer their kids to a school without islamist influences. Prospective college age kids should spend their money elsewhere and FAU should be boycotted entirely.


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