Monday, June 27, 2016

ISIS Hackers Release Kill List of 4,000 Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 299


ISIS Hackers Release Kill List of 4,000

ISIS Hackers Release Kill List of 4,000

The Islamic State's hacking division released a list of names of people around the world including the US and India and called for their immediate deaths. learn more



Hassan Raza: You Can Only Fight If You Are Alive

Hassan Raza: You Can Only Fight If You Are Alive

Pakistani human rights activist and journalist Hassan Raza spoke about the fight for minority rights in Pakistan and the dangers of speaking out. learn more


CAIR: Supporters of Gun Control Bill Are Anti-Muslim

In declaring its opposition to the bi-partisan bill to prevent suspected terrorists from buying guns, CAIR is playing the Islamophobia card.

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CAIR: Supporters of Gun Control Bill Are Anti-Muslim

WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO: ISIS Kills Syrian Journalists

The Islamic State has executed five Syrian journalists in one of the most gruesome clips the group has ever made.

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WARNING GRAPHIC VIDEO: ISIS Kills Syrian Journalists

Brits React to 'Brexit' from EU and the Islamist Threat

We asked people from the United Kingdom for their thoughts on Islamism in the wake of their country's vote to leave the European Union. Read their views...

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Brits React to 'Brexit' from EU and the Islamist Threat

How Do Californians Feel About Islamism?

What did residents of California answer when we asked them about the threat of Islamism in their state following terror convictions?

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How Do Californians Feel About Islamism?

Iranian Regime Unleashes Dogsnatchers

Iranian authorities in central Iran have launched a crackdown on dog ownership, showing up at people's houses and taking their dogs away.

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Iranian Regime Unleashes Dogsnatchers

Left to Die: The Persecuted from Pakistan Issue Plea

The Christian world needs to step in and save their dying Christians brothers and sisters from Pakistan and elsewhere -- before it is too late.

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Left to Die: The Persecuted from Pakistan Issue Plea


ISIS Loses Its Fallujah Stronghold

ISIS Loses Its Fallujah Stronghold

ISIS is in retreat after Iraqi forces seemingly retake Fallujah, one of Islamic State's main bastions in the country.



ISIS Defeated in Fallujah

"We congratulate the Iraqi people and the commander in chief...and declare that the Fallujah fight is over."

- Lt. Gen. Abdul-Wahab al-Saadi
Counter-terrorism commander


Hezbollah: A Poem by Sheema Kalbasi

This heartfelt poem excoriates the Iranian backed Shiite Islamist militia group Hezbollah.

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Hezbollah: A Poem by Sheema Kalbasi



[Re:'Iranian Regime Unleashes Dogsnatchers']: This ideology is not compatible with even basic standard of civilization where you respect women's & animals' rights.



[Re:'Islam and Nationhood: Part III']: True Islam is NOT "Extreme".


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