Monday, June 6, 2016

ISIS Made $2.4 Billion Last Year, Say Analysts Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 290


ISIS Made $2.4 Billion Last Year, Say Analysts

ISIS Made $2.4 Billion Last Year, Say Analysts

The Islamic State has diversified its income streams by increasing taxes and does not look like it will collapse soon, according to analysts. learn more


Damning Lies About Iran Deal Told by State Dept. Exposed

The exposure follows the admission from Obama's foreign policy adviser that the administration duped the public to the sell the Iran deal.

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Damning Lies About Iran Deal Told by State Dept. Exposed

How Did A Jihadist With a 4-Year Old Get From Syria to Sweden?

Four year-old Isa Dare was the face of an ISIS propaganda video which was worldwide, but he was not picked up while travelling across Europe.

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How Did A Jihadist With a 4-Year Old Get From Syria to Sweden?

ISIS Mentality in Turkey: 'Obscene' Sculpture Smashed

'The Musician,' a wooden sculpture on display in a metro station in Izmir, was recently attacked and broken by a Muslim man with a sledgehammer.

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ISIS Mentality in Turkey: 'Obscene' Sculpture Smashed

Islamic Extremism in Ireland (Part I): Brotherhood Thriving

According to former U.S. Ambassador to Ireland James Kenny, the Muslim Brotherhood is stronger in Ireland than anywhere in the world outside Qatar.

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Islamic Extremism in Ireland (Part I): Brotherhood Thriving

Women Feel the Brunt of Turkey's Increasing Turn Toward Islamism

Despite laws that ban religion in politics, Turkey, under the Islamist party's 14-year rule has steered the country toward authoritarian Islamism.

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Women Feel the Brunt of Turkey's Increasing Turn Toward Islamism

Wife of Anti-Islamist Police Chief Murdered in Bangladesh

Sunday's brutal murder is the latest in a string of killings targeting high profile anti-Islamists in Bangladesh.

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Wife of Anti-Islamist Police Chief Murdered in Bangladesh


Gaza Kindergarten Graduation: Kids Simulate Attacks on Israelis

Gaza Kindergarten Graduation: Kids Simulate Attacks on Israelis

A play staged by the children featured setting bombs, firing missiles and a kidnapping of an Israeli soldier.



Beaten Lightly Some Women Enjoy

"Submissive or subdued women ... may even enjoy being beaten at times as a sign of love and concern…"

- Dr. Abdul-Rahman al-Sheha
Saudi scholar



[Re:'Quietly, Liberal Muslims Are Defining Islam for Themselves']: Muslim Woman will be paving the way to change Islam from medieval to modernism, long over due.



[Re:'#TryBeatingMeLightly: Wife Beating from Toronto to Pakistan']: This is on the corner of the same park that banned Christmas Carols last Christmas. Can't sing Christmas carols but you can learn how to beat your wife without leaving marks. Is this even still Canada?


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