issue 374 |
After a man in Mosul said that once Mosul was liberated from ISIS, he would drink a toast. ISIS tracked him down and drowned him. learn more
US Allows Russia to Send Iran Enough Uranium For 10 Nukes Meanwhile, US ships fired warning shots toward Iranian fast-attack vessels that were closing in on US ships and refused to slow down. | |
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US Judge Rules No Secret Jury In ISIS Case Should juries in terrorism cases be kept secret? We weigh the pros on cons after a Manhattan judge denied such a request. | |
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Secular Activists Reportedly Kidnapped in Pakistan At least four secular activists have disappeared in Pakistan in mysterious circumstances in what appears to be coordinating kidnappings. | |
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'Equality' in ISIS: Disabled Suicide Bomber [VIDEO] A wannabe jihadi in a wheelchair pleads with ISIS to allow him to carry out a suicide attack. This is the video of his 'successful' mission. | |
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Palestinian Authority: Truck Rammer 'Martyr for Allah' After a 28-year-old father of four killed 4 and wounded 15 Israelis, the PA says that the terror attack was sanctioned by Islam. | |
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EU Court Rules Mixed Swimming Lessons Compulsory: Do You Agree? The European Court of Human Rights rejected a bid by Muslim parents to exempt their pre-pubescent daughters from mixed swimming lessons. Clarion Project presents pros and cons of this case. Tell us what you think. |
The Taliban violence against women in Afghanistan has never gone away. The many disturbing stories of suppression and brutality show a society hanging in the balance. |
"[Moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem would be] a declaration of war on all Muslims."
- Mahmoud al-Habbash
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas' Adviser on Religious and Islamic Affairs
Selling Out Minorities for Political Advantage in Pakistan The provincial assembly in Sindh passed legislation against forced conversions last year, but may drop it to gain support from extremists. |
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