Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Thank you for being part of Clarion's 2016


Dear Friends, 

As we enter 2017, Clarion Project – thanks to you – continues to alert and educate the world about the growing threat of Islamist extremism and inspire international dialogue and action.

Our films and web content reach, engage and empower growing audiences, and we keep these issues at the forefront of call-to-action discussion.

Looking forward to another productive year together.

Clarion Project 2016 Highlights



Completed production of Faithkeepers, our powerful new documentary film about the genocide of Christians and other minorities in the Middle East. Due for release mid-2017.

Clarion's Newest Addition

Jennifer Breedon joined Clarion Project as Spokeswoman and Legal and Human Rights Analyst. She authored an e-book to accompany Faithkeepers, and appears on numerous TV and radio interviews in the US and beyond. She has her own column in The Huffington Post.

KiDS: Inside the Terror Factory

Began production of our next exposé documentary, KiDS: Inside the Terror Factory, which delves into the incitement of children to hatred, violence and death. Due for release in 2018.

Honor Diaries

The film has been screened over 585 times to date in 20 countries. This important film on the rights of women in honor-based communities screened on Capitol Hill, the United Nations, Amnesty, in both houses of the British Parliament and for the Canadian and Australian governments. Honor Diaries successfully completed its second Censored Women's Film Festival, with films from around the world censored in the producers' home countries.

By The Numbers

Clarion's short film on Muslim opinions and demographics was seen by over 3.5 million people on YouTube and Facebook. It was screened at the British House of Lords and featured on the Bill Maher Show, BBC's "Hard Talk" and CBS' "60 Minutes" – reaching some 10 million viewers.

The film's host, Raheel Raza, gave 63 media interviews, had 36 speaking engagements and – among other trainings – lectured the Pima County Sheriff's Department on extremism.

Ryan Mauro

Much of Ryan Mauro's – Clarion Spokesman and National Security Analyst – year was behind the scenes, meeting US election campaign staff on both sides to explain the need to challenge radical Islam, raise awareness about domestic terror groups and promote human rights.

  • Completed unprecedented research and created an intelligence database knows as the "Fuqra Files," a major investigation into 22 armed Islamist compounds in the US with links to al-Qaeda and other Middle-Eastern terror networks.
  • Broke the Fuqra story on Fox News.
  • Led seminars on regional terrorist threats for 300 law enforcement officers.
  • Helped build support for the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist designation act in Congress.

Clarion Project.org

Our website enjoys more hits than ever as millions consume our content on clarionproject.org, our Facebook page and through our Twitter feed.

Wishing you a great start to the New Year and looking forward to an even more impactful 2017!

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