Monday, January 30, 2017

Trump Mulls Banning Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Group Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 382


Trump Mulls Banning Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Group

Trump Mulls Banning Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Group

Senior members of Trump's transition team told reporters the White House is considering adopting the policy. learn more


Firefighter Is 124th First Responder to Die Post 9/11

Irish-born Brian J Masterson, 61, lost his battle against esophageal cancer making him the latest victim of al-Qaeda terrorism in the West.

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Firefighter Is 124th First Responder to Die Post 9/11

Six Killed in Terror Attack on Quebec Mosque

At this time the motive of the perpetrators is unknown, police say two masked gunmen opened fire during services.

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Six Killed in Terror Attack on Quebec Mosque

Head of ISIS' Women's Brigade Flees With Millions

Meanwhile, ISIS executes female fighters who refused to wear Afghani men's clothing and carry arms in Ninveh Province, Iraq.

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Head of ISIS' Women's Brigade Flees With Millions

Changing Changing-the-Guard at Buckingham Palace

Thanks to terror fears the ceremony will not take place every day, while the Saturday tradition is canceled at Windsor Palace.

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Changing Changing-the-Guard at Buckingham Palace

Prominent Christians Oppose Prioritizing Christian Refugees

Some Christian leaders condemned Washington's decision to start prioritizing Christians when considering refugee applications.

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Prominent Christians Oppose Prioritizing Christian Refugees


Embedded with French Special Forces in Mosul as ISIS Flees

Embedded with French Special Forces in Mosul as ISIS Flees

Join a journalist embedded with troops on the front lines in Iraq who has incredible access.



Shaista Gohir -- Little Girls in Hijabs

[Speaking against girls wearing hijabs] What you are doing is, you are sexualizing that child.

- Shaista Gohir
Chair of the Muslim Women's Network



[Re 'Head of ISIS' Women's Brigade Flees With Millions']: If you're a killer, it's not much of a stretch to become a thief.



[Re 'Trump Mulls Banning Muslim Brotherhood as Terrorist Group']: They should, their mission is to destroy this country and laws, bring Sharia law to fruit in the USA!


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