Monday, January 23, 2017

Just When You Thought ISIS Couldn't Do Anything Worse Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 379


Just When You Thought ISIS Couldn't Do Anything Worse

Just When You Thought ISIS Couldn't Do Anything Worse

In the Al Hawija district of Iraq's Kirkuk province, which ISIS has controlled since June 2014, ISIS has devised the most horrific forms of execution. learn more



Should the US Leave the UN?

A bill to pull America out of the UN has been put before Congress. We look at the links between the UN and Islamism and debate the issue.

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Should the US Leave the UN?

Trump Chooses Wrong Imam for Nat'l Prayer Service

In his first speech as president, Trump promised to eradicate 'radical Islamic terrorism.' The job needs the right partners.

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Trump Chooses Wrong Imam for Nat'l Prayer Service

Under Sharia Law, These Women Are Immoral

A female bodybuilder in Iran, women horseback riders in Saudi Arabia and female bicyclists in Gaza have done all things to ire Islamist culture.

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Under Sharia Law, These Women Are Immoral

The Subjugation of France: Salafism on the Streets

A new collection of testimonials by civil servants, teachers, social workers, doctors, nurses, police and mayors show France in transformation.

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The Subjugation of France: Salafism on the Streets

5 Facts About Saudi Arabia's Male Guardianship System

Saudi Arabia's male guardianship system is the biggest factor keeping women from being able to live full lives.

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5 Facts About Saudi Arabia's Male Guardianship System

Turkey Approves New Powers For Erdogan

The legislation will first be put to a nationwide referendum this spring after parliament voted its approval.

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Turkey Approves New Powers For Erdogan


Erasing History

Erasing History

Radical Islam is erasing your history. Jihadi are burning bibles, smashing churches, and trying to erase Christians and Jews from Jerusalem. Don't let them erase your history. Find out what you can do.



Trump -- We Will Eradicate Radical Islamic Terrorism

"We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones, and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.

- Donald J. Trump
45th President of the United States of America



[Re: 'Turkey Approves New Powers For Erdogan']: About all that's left is for them to approve Edogan to have power to walk on water :)



[Re: 'Under Sharia Law, These Women Are Immoral']: Pretty simple. If you're not being miserable and are doing something making your life enjoyable, it's banned. That simple.


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