Friday, January 27, 2017

Is Trump's Plan to Temporarily Ban Refugees Just? Pros and Cons Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 381


Is Trump's Plan to Temporarily Ban Refugees Just?

Is Trump's Plan to Temporarily Ban Refugees Just?

Clarion Project looks at the pros and cons of halting immigration to the U.S. from Syria indefinitely and from other countries for 120 days. learn more


ISIS Graphic Video: Kids' Shooting Exercise With Living Targets

As if all the other videos we've brought you weren't enough, now ISIS uses an empty building for its child soldiers to hunt and kill bound prisoners.

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ISIS Graphic Video: Kids' Shooting Exercise With Living Targets

Where It's a Crime to Blog

We've collated painful stories of bloggers who are imprisoned or worse as their respective societies don't respect freedom of expression.

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Where It's a Crime to Blog

Get to Know Iran's Terrorist 'Ambassador' to Iraq

The appointment of Brigadier General Iraj Masjedi provides a clear insight into the terrorist nature of the mullahs' intentions.

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Get to Know Iran's Terrorist 'Ambassador' to Iraq

Child Terrorists Come to Europe

A 12-year old in Vienna was arrested along with a 17-year old and a 21-year old – all on suspicion of planning attacks in Austria and Germany.

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Child Terrorists Come to Europe


Trump Pledges to Eradicate 'Radical Islamic Terrorism'

Trump Pledges to Eradicate 'Radical Islamic Terrorism'

In his inaugural address, the 45th president of the United States, Donal J. Trump, said, 'We will reinforce old alliances and form new ones, and unite the civilized world against radical Islamic terrorism, which we will eradicate completely from the face of the earth.'



NATO is spreading terror- Turkish AKP member and journalist Samil Tayyar

"[NATO has] become a threat and is spreading terror organisations across the region.

- Samil Tayyar
Turkish MP


Death Threats Taken Seriously -- NOT

Death threats against Muslim reformer Tarek Fatah come from as far away as India and as close as Canada. Police in both countries seem more concerned with Islamophobia than keeping their citizens safe.

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Death Threats Taken Seriously -- NOT



[Re 'Is Afghanistan America's New Vietnam?']: The Russians couldn't "win" there and it's where our support helped the jihadists and Bin Laden strengthen.



[Re 'Should the US Leave the UN? Readers Respond']: Yes for sure !!! The UN has LOST ALL SANITY !


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