Wednesday, January 18, 2017

How US Charities Fund Terror -- Some With Your Tax Dollars Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 377


How US Charities Fund Terror -- Some With Your Tax Dollars

How US Charities Fund Terror -- Some With Your Tax Dollars

The past eight years of a more permissive attitude toward 'charity' funding has afforded Islamist groups the chance for a resurgence. learn more



From the Clarion Project film The Third Jihad



Veedu Vidz: Beating Bigotry With A Smile

Veedu Vidz: Beating Bigotry With A Smile

Waleed Wain, the creator of the satirical series Veedu Vidz sat down with us to explain his satirical take on Islam, extremism and anti-Muslim bigotry. learn more


Should Clarion Share ISIS Videos? Facebook Says 'No'

After Facebook shut us down for a week for publishing an ISIS video, we asked our readers their opinion on this question. Here are your responses.

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Should Clarion Share ISIS Videos? Facebook Says 'No'

GIRL POWER! Meet the Women Who Are Fighting Back

Afghani women take up arms against the Taliban; Kurdish and Yazidi women fight ISIS; Saudi and Iranian women oppose repression.

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GIRL POWER! Meet the Women Who Are Fighting Back

Pop Singer Saves Concertgoer From Groping

Famous singer Atif Aslam stopped his concert in Karachi to prevent an ongoing molesting attack on a woman in the crowd.

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Pop Singer Saves Concertgoer From Groping

Who Exactly Has Obama Been Releasing From Gitmo?

As outgoing US President Barack Obama announces he will not be able to close the prison facility, we look at prisoners who went on to commit acts of terror.

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Who Exactly Has Obama Been Releasing From Gitmo?

'Patriots Day' Critics: Are the 'Good Guys" Now Bad?

The newly-released movie Patriots Day recounts the events of the Boston Marathon bombing and the race to apprehend the culprits.

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'Patriots Day' Critics: Are the 'Good Guys


'These Ideas Raise Within Every Child a Little ISIS Member'

'These Ideas Raise Within Every Child a Little ISIS Member'

Egyptian researcher Tareq Abu Al-Saad says the official Islamic institutions in Palestine, Egypt, Tunisia, Sudan, Mauritania, and elsewhere 'create fertile ground' for the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis to plant the 'ideological seeds' of extremism. 



Young Blood Bound to Get Excited -- Mohammad Nurur R Barkati

"Young blood is bound to get excited if girls are not properly dressed."

- Mohammad Nurur R. Barkati
Imam in Calcutta, India



[Re: 'Syrian Women Go To Work, Get Divorced']: What great, understanding supportive husbands they are. Cream of the crop!



[Re: 'Morocco Bans the Burqa']: Too bad it has come down to this but just think of what a person could be hiding under there. They could actually be hiding their own identity especially if they are a wanted criminal. They could be hiding any number of weapons, or bombs strapped to themselves. Sadly with the present day terrorism, they should be illegal.


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