Sunday, January 22, 2017

Clarion Top Tier Group - Free Video Series

Clarion top tier group advance copy of episode 1 of Clarion's film series The Third Jihad.
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As a member of Clarion's top tier group, we're excited to send you an advance copy of episode 3 of our film series The Third Jihad.

In episode 3, History and Religious War, Clarion Project delves into the past to seek out the root of radical Islam, by exposing a long and bloody history of persecution and religious war.
In 2007, Clarion Project completed this landmark film highlighting radical Islamists' engagement in a "multifaceted strategy to overcome the Western world," waging a "cultural jihad" to "infiltrate and undermine our society from within."

On the film's 10th anniversary you will be astounded at how accurately we predicted the future, in a world where radical Islam was allowed to flourish, in a world where political correctness silenced Islamist detractors and in a world where 'cultural sensibilities' trumped free speech. 

Week by week we will unfold the story of radical Islam, unveiling its historic, cultural, religious and militant roots and show how they manifest themselves in today's society.

As ever, we would ask two things from you: Please send us your comments and please share this video with as many people as you can.

Thanks for your support,

The Clarion Team 
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