Friday, January 13, 2017

Women Scared As Suburban France Becomes Radicalized Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 375


Women Scared As Suburban France Becomes Radicalized

Women Scared As Suburban France Becomes Radicalized

Radicalization is happening through the funding of mosques by Qatar who is importing to France their radicalized version of Islam. learn more


5 Reasons Kidnapping of Pakistani Activists Matters to You

Up to nine secular activists have disappeared in Pakistan as families scramble for news. Here's why their disappearances matters.

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5 Reasons Kidnapping of Pakistani Activists Matters to You

Saudi Woman Offers Daughter As Gift to Hero Police Officer

A patriotic' Saudi mother offered her 22-year-old daughter to a policeman who killed a terrorist in a shootout.

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Saudi Woman Offers Daughter As Gift to Hero Police Officer

Qatar to Open Embassy in Gaza: Report

The oil rich nation plans to establish a permanent embassy in Gaza according to Qatar's Gaza Reconstruction Committee.

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Qatar to Open Embassy in Gaza: Report

Syrian Women Go To Work, Get Divorced

A sharia judge in Damascus has expressed concern that women are taking jobs in coffee shops and restaurants, which is leading to divorce.

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Syrian Women Go To Work, Get Divorced

Morocco Bans the Burqa

Although the decision was motivated by security concerns, the ban is also 'an important step in the fight against religious extremism.'

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Morocco Bans the Burqa

The Duplicity of Turkey: Thumbs Up to ISIS

Recent events paint a picture of a government that is secretly facilitating the Islamic State while oppressing its own minorities and journalists.

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The Duplicity of Turkey: Thumbs Up to ISIS


Why Not Calling ISIS

Why Not Calling ISIS "Islamic" Hurts Muslim Reformers

Maajid Nawaz talks about freedom of speech, the state of Europe and the 'Voldemort' effect.



Germany Vice Chancellor Sigmar Gabriel on Religious Freedom

"Those who encourage violence do not enjoy the protection of religious freedom."

- Sigmar Gabriel
Vice Chancellor of Germany



[Re: 'Should Parents Ransom Their Children From Terrorists?']: It should be illegal, and they should do it anyway.



[Re:'ISIS Children Execute Prisoners']: ISIS couldn't care less if you are a Democratic or Republican, these kids are being trained to kill your kids and your grandkids; wake up people and let's all start working together to stop this!


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