Friday, June 24, 2016

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issue 298


Goodbye Friend

Goodbye Friend

UK Prime Minister David Cameron announced his resignation after Britain voted to leave the European Union. It's a loss for counter-radicalism. learn more


GOP Leaders Stall Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Act

Join our campaign and let your voice be heard. Congressional staff members have told us that it is making a difference on Capitol Hill.

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GOP Leaders Stall Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Act

Number of Refugees Arrested for Terror Higher than Reported

It isn't Islamophobic to recognize the intersection between national security and immigration and make proper adjustments to reflect reality.

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Number of Refugees Arrested for Terror Higher than Reported

German Architect: Demolish Churches, Build Mosques

Prominent architect says the key to integration of migrants is that they have no fear that they will lose their identity in their new society.

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German Architect: Demolish Churches, Build Mosques

Islamist Extremism's Hate Relationship With Music

It is no coincidence that one of the targets of the November 2015 attacks in Paris was a rock concert at the Bataclan.

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Islamist Extremism's Hate Relationship With Music

Turkey: Jewish Cemetery Attacked by 'Unknown Assailants'

Today, even Jewish cemeteries are attacked. But life has never been easy for the Jewish community in Turkey.

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Turkey: Jewish Cemetery Attacked by 'Unknown Assailants'

Pakistani Sufi Singer Amjad Sabri Murdered

One of Pakistan's most prominent Sufi singers has been murdered in Karachi in a killing claimed by the Taliban who say the singer was a blasphemer.

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Pakistani Sufi Singer Amjad Sabri Murdered


Viceland Film Explores How Pakistani Women Face Extremism

Viceland Film Explores How Pakistani Women Face Extremism

Watch the trailer for a new film by Viceland called "Pakistan: On the Frontlines -- WOMAN" which explores how women in Pakistan are reacting to the issue of Islamist extremism in their country.



An Appeal to Support the Kurdistan Secular Centre

An appeal by the head of the Kurdistan Secular Centre to support their efforts to implement a secular constitution in Iraqi Kurdistan. 

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An Appeal to Support the Kurdistan Secular Centre


Islamic Fascism

Islamic Fascism

By Hamed Abdel-Samad

This polemic against Islamic extremism highlights the striking parallels between contemporary Islamism and the 20th-century fascism embodied by Hitler and Mussolini. Like those infamous ideologies, Islamism today touts imperialist dreams of world domination, belief in its inherent superiority, contempt for the rest of humanity, and often a murderous agenda. The author, born and raised in Egypt and now living in Germany, not only explains the historical connections between early 20th-century fascist movements in Europe and extremist factions in Islam, but he also traces the fascist tendencies in mainstream Islam that have existed throughout its history.

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[Re:'CAIR to Stand Trial for Massive Fraud']: The amount of money behind this organization from foreign entities is staggering. Tying up the courts systems time and money has been one of the strategies used by them in attempts to undermine our Constitution and laws. It's good they are being prosecuted, but it would have been better had they never been removed from the terrorist watch list.... And completely banned as an outpost of terrorist organizations, if that is even possible in this country anymore.



['Orlando Shooter Played the Islamophobia Card']: Maybe this killer would have been stopped if his colleagues were not afraid of being accused of racism


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