Wednesday, June 29, 2016

How Safe Is Your Airport? Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 300


How Safe Is Your Airport?

How Safe Is Your Airport?

Israeli security officials warned after the Brussels attack that international airports were vulnerable if certain security procedures weren't taken. learn more


Would You Want To Know If ISIS Wanted to Kill You?

We asked our readers if the FBI should tell people who are on an Islamic State kill list that they had been marked for execution.

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Would You Want To Know If ISIS Wanted to Kill You?

Why Turkey, Why Now? ISIS Suspected in Airport Attack

One of the most guarded airports in the world and the third busiest airport in Europe has become the latest target of global terror.

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Why Turkey, Why Now? ISIS Suspected in Airport Attack

Al-Qaeda: Kill Whites or US Won't Think Its Jihad

Al-Qaeda has called on lone wolf terrorists in the West to make sure to target white heterosexuals so there is no doubt about the motive of an attack.

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Al-Qaeda: Kill Whites or US Won't Think Its Jihad

CAIR-Fuqra Official Announces Intention to Run for Governor

Tahirah Amatul-Wadud is counsel for Muslims of the Americas, previously Jamaat ul-Fuqra which carried out terror attacks and on the board of CAIR.

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CAIR-Fuqra Official Announces Intention to Run for Governor

Top Rights Defenders, Journalists Jailed in Turkey

The latest arrests in Turkey follow a long history of assassins, jailing and intimidation of those who speak out against governmental abuses.

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Top Rights Defenders, Journalists Jailed in Turkey

Hamas Thanks Turkey After Israel-Reconciliation Deal

A Muslim Brotherhood affiliate met with Turkish President Erdogan to negotiate the terms of the deal before it was signed.

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Hamas Thanks Turkey After Israel-Reconciliation Deal


Qatari Professor: Something is Wrong With Our Culture

Qatari Professor: Something is Wrong With Our Culture

Prof. Abd Al-Hamid Al-Ansari, former dean of Islamic Law at Qatar University says terrorism is based on ideology, not on financial distress or economic circumstances. It "begins with the sowing of hatred, the sowing of extremism."



Hezbollah Leader Admits Hezbollah Funded by Iran

"Hezbollah gets its money and arms from Iran, as long as Iran has money, so does Hezbollah."

- Hassan Nasrallah
Leader of Hezbollah


Diary of A Muslim Activist: The Day I Met David Cameron

Raheel Raza chronicles her first impressions of outgoing UK Prime Minister David Cameron and her respect for his opposition to Islamism. 

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Diary of A Muslim Activist: The Day I Met David Cameron



[Re:'FBI Fails to Inform Citizens They Are on an ISIS Kill List']: Every American should assume they are on an ISIS kill list...and an Al Qaeda kill list...and the kill list of every other Radical Jihadist organization.



[Re:'Iranian Regime Unleashes Dogsnatchers'] This ideology is not compatible with even basic standard of civilization where you respect women's & animals' rights


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