Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Who Are the Terrorists In American Jails? Part 1

Who Are the Terrorists In American Jails? Part 1Zacarias Moussaoui, an al-Qaeda operative, is believed to be the 20th 9/11 hijackerRead
Meeting George Bush for LunchRead this eye-opener by Raheel RazaRead
Who in Africa Has Pledged Allegiance to ISIS?After its defeat in Iraq & Syria, Africa is ISIS' hottest spotRead and Share
Harvard Org. Gives CAIR Founder 'Call of Service' AwardCAIR is connected to terror financing since 2007Read
Why Liberal Muslims Support Conservative PartiesIronically, liberal parties in the West are now aligned with IslamistsRead
Readers Write
Cleveland Father Pleads Guilty to Killing Daughter
"'I'm not a killer.' Wrong. You are a killer. You killed your own child. May your conscience torture you daily."
Saudis Order Review of Mohammed's 'Teachings' to Combat Terror
"Probably a bit late after spending millions of dollars in the developing world indoctrinating kids at madrassas to kill infidels."

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