Sunday, October 22, 2017

Cleveland Father Pleads Guilty to Killing Daughter

Cleveland Father Pleads Guilty to Killing DaughterJamal Mansour honor killed his daughter for disrespecting himRead
Trump: 'End of ISIS Caliphate in Sight'US will now transition to a 'new phase' in Syria & IraqRead
Maajid Nawaz Wins Defamation SuitReuters had incorrectly listed him as a terroristRead
Readers Write
Muslim Brotherhood Deepens Its Ties on Capitol Hill
"The question is, will the West ever wake up and stop this infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood into our countries? They are getting a good foothold in Canadian politics also but people are pretty apathetic when it comes to fighting for their country and appear to be more interested in legalizing pot."
Why Isn't Trump Helping the Kurds?
"America must help the Kurds. Not doing so will allow Iran to take over."

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