Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Can a Facebook Film take down ISIS? 

YOU can help to fight the spread of radical Islam!

Day in, day out, we see examples of the sharp end of radical Islam: violent extremism, honor killings, and terror.

Far less visible is the non-violent extremism that lurks beneath the surface; the insidious spread of radical Islamist ideas.

This is dawa - the spreading of political Islamism under the guise of innocent religious proselytizing.

But luckily, there is something you can do to counter these extremist messages. You can educate the masses so they understand the dangers of radical Islam. You can deliver the truth.


We are producing a series of six films that will bring this dangerous ideology to light. By supporting the Clarion Project's award-winning films, you can help millions of people to learn about the dangers of dawa, and become better informed about its repercussions.

The way to stop radical Islamic terrorism is to stop radical Islamic ideology – before it can be spread by dawa. That is the goal of this film series – and you can be a part of the solution.

>> Click here to learn about and help make these films possible <<

Plus, giving to the Clarion Project is simply smart philanthropy. This cause is so important that a group of generous donors has agreed to match each dollar you donate to this campaign! That's double the impact!


We deeply appreciate your support and any amount you are able to give. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Richard Green
Executive Director, Clarion Project

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