Sunday, October 15, 2017

US Slaps Crippling Sanctions on Iran

US Slaps Crippling Sanctions on IranA new terror designation has been imposed on the Revolutionary Guard Corps Read
A Quick Guide to Trump's New Iran PolicyA summary of the president's speech at a glanceRead and Share
Should the US Cancel the Iran Deal?Former UN Amb. Bolton thinks yes. Here's whyRead
Trump Announces New Iran StrategyThe US will not certify the agreement but will not tear it upWatch
Readers Write
'Grandfather Has Four Wives'
"Embarassing to be Swede nowadays. Today on national TV, an Islamist woman demanded allowance and acceptance for polygamy. I don't even understand how this can be a question to talk about in Sweden 2017. It's a shame!"
Look Who's Against Independence Now
"This is real geopolitical picture of this situation. The main reason that those Islamic states don't want Kurdistan is because they would lose access to resources in those regions."

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