Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Look Where ISIS Has Been Discovered the Last Month

Look Where ISIS Has Been Discovered the Last MonthFrom Belgium to Morocco, Russian and IranRead
Muslim Brotherhood Deepens Its Ties on Capitol HillDetailed notes from a Brotherhood gathering made publicRead and Help
Mandatory Life Sentence for NY, NJ BomberPolice believe he was a radicalized 'lone wolf'Read
US Launches First Anti-ISIS Strike in Yemen; Kills 50The first US strike against ISIS in Yemen to dateRead
Double Standard for Extremism on UK Campuses?Why was the Christian Union banned but hate preachers allowed? Read
Readers Write
Texan Parents Lied to FBI About Sons Fighting for ISIS
"Those who hide terrorists should be charged as such ..."
A Ban on the Hijab Is Consistent With Liberalism
"I think the point of 'liberal values' in this thread is being missed. It is not whether the burka should be banned because it can conceal a terrorist etc. It is whether 'liberals' are truly being 'liberal' in the defense of the burka. I say it is hypocrisy because to be truly liberal you would admit that these customs that conceal the female are all part of the shame mentality that keeps women as an inferior powerless subclass. When we see liberals fighting for the 'burka' as a human right, they are revealing the shallowness of their own so called stand on women's equality, you can't have it both ways."

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