Friday, June 23, 2017

Watch Former Special Ops Soldier’s Daring Rescue in Iraq

Watch Former Special Ops Soldier's Daring Rescue in IraqAmid heavy sniper fire, this hero saves a 5-year-old girl.Watch
Woman Slugged for Wearing Shorts During RamadanWhile riding a bus in Turkey, the woman was attacked by an outraged man.Read
Hero's Family ThreatenedTerrorists are going after the family of a teenager who stopped a terror attack on his school.Read
Flint Attack: Anything But 'Isolated' AttackMauro on Fox on how ISIS has latched onto anti-police bigotry.Watch
Take Action
Take Action on Muslim Brotherhood BillThere are still members of Congress that need to be pushed to designate the Brotherhood as terrorists.Act Now
4 Policy Takeaways for the U.S. From a Month in Kurdish Syria & Iraq   The Kurds represent a turning point in the quest for stability in the Middle East.In-Depth
Saudi Advisers to King Condemn Muslim BrotherhoodEgypt, Yemen and Mauritania join the Saudis in condemning the Brotherhood.Read
What Are British Muslim Politicians Doing About Islamism?Why have Britain's Muslim MPs seemingly been loth to act to counter Islamism? Read
Readers Write
Why Did the US Senate Ignore Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani?
"Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani don't fit into the narrative the Left has created for them."

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