Monday, June 19, 2017

London Killings: What Happens If You Attack a Mosque

London Killings: What Happens If You Attack a MosqueClarion's Shillman Fellow Ryan Mauro looks at the attack on London's Finsbury Park Mosque.Watch
News Analysis
Why Did the US Senate Ignore Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani?Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani were ignored by the panel.Read
Poll: What Does Jihad Mean to You?The word is thrown around a lot. But what does it mean?Vote
Hezbollah Flags on London StreetsHezbollah is a Lebanese terrorist organization formed to destroy IsraelRead
Alabama Man Arrested on Terror ChargesA tip to the police led to the arrest of Aziz Sayyed, 22.Read
Banned In Iran10 everyday activities forbidden in the Islamic Republic of Iran.Learn More
Exclusive: Report on Muslim Brotherhood in SwedenGroundbreaking report on Islamist networks in Sweden available for the first time in English. Read
Readers Write
Jihad 101
"4 stages says it all"
Poll: What Does Jihad Mean to You?
"What's the difference what Jihad means to me? The important thing is what Jihad means to religious Muslims."

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