Sunday, June 25, 2017

Extremism in the US: We Look at Key States

Radical Islam in New York and New JerseyYou won't believe what's been going onRead
Islamists in MichiganWe take a look at Islamist activities in the Great Lake StateLearn More
Minnesota: Terror Recruiting CapitalMinnesota is home to the largest Somali immigrant population in the U.S.Learn More
Tales of Radical Islam in VirginiaWe look at radical Islam in The Old Dominion StateRead
Radical Islam in FloridaWhat's going on in the Sunshine State?Read
Readers Write
Why Did the US Senate Ignore Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani?
"Where are the cries of "sexism" and "racism" when these articulate, experienced and knowledgable women (*gasp*... even "women of color")are disregarded? Oh right, these women don't fall in line with the progressive narrative. Neither does reality and truth."
London Killings: What Happens If You Attack a Mosque
"Agreed that murder is not the answer--that we should not violate our principles in order to defeat Islamism. What is your plan for defeating Islamism?"

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