Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Returning Jihadis Given 'Protected Identities'

Returning Jihadis Given 'Protected Identities'Why is Sweden giving protected identities to jihadis? Read more
Islamist Lobby Resorts to Desperate Smears To Silence CriticsThe latest tactics are low even for them.Read
Should Google Manipulate Search Results to Protect Islam's Image?Some activists are campaigning for exactly that. Read
Fatwa Controversy: Woman Can Beat Drunk HusbandAfter the fatwa was given on air, the station was shut down by the gov't for a month.Read
Burned to Death for Refusing to Kill FamilyThe Caliphate Cubs are children who ISIS trains to be the jihadis of the next generation.Read
Islamists Are Biggest Perpetrators of Antisemitic Violence: New StudyThe new study focused on seven European countries as well as Russia. Read
North Carolina Man Convicted for ISIS North America PlotJustin Nojan Sullivan was sentenced to life imprisonment. Read
Readers Write
Clarion's Raheel Raza at the UN Human Rights Council
"Raheel. I will continue to pray for your safety. You are a brave and good woman for what you are doing. The easiest thing in the world to do is not have an opinion, the second easiest thing is espouse a popular opinion among your peers, and there is genuinely nothing more brutal than having an unpopular opinion among your peers. You are clearly led by principles. Loved your appearance on Tucker Carlson."
Burned to Death for Refusing to Kill Family
"So sharia law is the extreme form of Islam that ISIS is representing? I'm trying to understand. I feel like the only way to rid the world of this eventually is thru education and understanding. Saying you hate Muslims and Islam only perpetuates the problem."

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