Friday, June 30, 2017

Muslim Travel Ban? Hardly

Muslim Travel Ban? HardlyIt's not a ban, and it's not on Muslims. It's about region, not religion.Watch
Recipe for Disaster: Immigration Without AssimilationWill the multiculturalist doctrine eventually destroy the very fabric of Western democratic society?Read
Can France Be Saved?Policy recommendations to fight radical Islam in France.In-Depth
ISIS in the Crosshairs of Afghan Women'I make dinner for my grandchildren, then grab my weapon to fight ISIS.'Read
ISIS in Philippines Using Trapped Women as Sex SlavesThe insurgency in Marawi City has brought reports of horrific abuse.Read
Turkey Takes Over 50 Churches, MonasteriesFor years, minorities were not even allowed to acquire property in Turkey.Read more
Readers Write
Islamist Lobby Resorts to Desperate Smears To Silence Critics
"They just don't get it, do they? Aside from the fact that this is a deliberate misrepresentation, aside from the fact that they've done this to fit a narrative that they want to exist, (but doesn't) and aside from the hypocrisy of their actions - they must realise that this can be enough, for an "unhinged" individual, to make Sam a legitimate target for violence."
ISIS in Philippines Using Trapped Women as Sex Slaves
"I sure wish I knew where the loud and outspoken "feminists" are???"

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Returning Jihadis Given 'Protected Identities'

Returning Jihadis Given 'Protected Identities'Why is Sweden giving protected identities to jihadis? Read more
Islamist Lobby Resorts to Desperate Smears To Silence CriticsThe latest tactics are low even for them.Read
Should Google Manipulate Search Results to Protect Islam's Image?Some activists are campaigning for exactly that. Read
Fatwa Controversy: Woman Can Beat Drunk HusbandAfter the fatwa was given on air, the station was shut down by the gov't for a month.Read
Burned to Death for Refusing to Kill FamilyThe Caliphate Cubs are children who ISIS trains to be the jihadis of the next generation.Read
Islamists Are Biggest Perpetrators of Antisemitic Violence: New StudyThe new study focused on seven European countries as well as Russia. Read
North Carolina Man Convicted for ISIS North America PlotJustin Nojan Sullivan was sentenced to life imprisonment. Read
Readers Write
Clarion's Raheel Raza at the UN Human Rights Council
"Raheel. I will continue to pray for your safety. You are a brave and good woman for what you are doing. The easiest thing in the world to do is not have an opinion, the second easiest thing is espouse a popular opinion among your peers, and there is genuinely nothing more brutal than having an unpopular opinion among your peers. You are clearly led by principles. Loved your appearance on Tucker Carlson."
Burned to Death for Refusing to Kill Family
"So sharia law is the extreme form of Islam that ISIS is representing? I'm trying to understand. I feel like the only way to rid the world of this eventually is thru education and understanding. Saying you hate Muslims and Islam only perpetuates the problem."

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Monday, June 26, 2017

New York Times Shills for Al Jazeera

New York Times Shills for Al JazeeraBy praising the Qatari network's journalistic standards, the NY Times exposes its own.Learn More
ISIS Executes American-Trained Militia Fighters in New ClipThe shocking clip shows ISIS mounting heads on spikes.Watch
Islamists Are Biggest Perpetrators of Antisemitic Violence Says New StudyThe new study focused on seven European countries as well as Russia. Read
News Analysis
Questioning Qatar's Terror Financing? Here Are the FactsStrangely, Sec. of State Tillerson has contradicted the President Trump by criticizing the Arabs' punishment of Qatar.Get Informed
Why Is Rex Tillerson Undermining the Fight Against Qatar?The Secretary of State should keep quiet.Read
How Hamas Inflicts Palestinian Suffering to Purchase SympathyThe terror group running Gaza deliberately prioritizes war over its citizens.Read
News Analysis
Ramadan: 3 Times Bloodier Than Last YearThis year, there were 8 attacks in the West alone.Read
Readers Write
New York Times Shills for Al Jazeera
"NYT doubling down on their self destruction. Again. How quaint."
Why Did the US Senate Ignore Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Asra Nomani?
"Real commentaires on radical jihadi rejected. Somebody does not to win this war against these radicals."

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