Friday, March 3, 2017

The ISIS Stronghold You Don’t Hear About Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 396


The ISIS Stronghold You Don't Hear About

The ISIS Stronghold You Don't Hear About

International attention is focused on ISIS in Iraq and Syria but ISIS is also waging an insurgency against the Egyptian government in Sinai. learn more

In episode 8 of The Third Jihad, Clarion Project uncovers the tragic world of radical Islam and honor violence. Men and women abusing and murdering their children for the sake of their family's honor.



Muslims in Australia Becoming Radicalized at Much Younger Ages

The alarming trend shows that the age of radicalization of young Sunni Muslims has dropped a decade in only two years.

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Muslims in Australia Becoming Radicalized at Much Younger Ages

Iran: Young Woman Commits Suicide After Sexual Abuse in Prison

A young Kurdish woman was imprisoned for two days and reportedly sexually abused while in custody. She killed herself on her release.

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Iran: Young Woman Commits Suicide After Sexual Abuse in Prison

Death Threats Follow Anti-Islamist Tarek Fatah to India

Fatah, now a Canadian citizen, can expect no help from his country's government who most likely also consider Fatah and 'Islamophobe.'

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Death Threats Follow Anti-Islamist Tarek Fatah to India


When did World War III Begin?

When did World War III Begin?

Experts including Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser of the Muslim Reform Movement discuss the war with Islamic extremism at the CPAC 2017 conference.




[Re:'Muslim Brotherhood: We're Spending $5 Million on PR in U.S.']: They are spending a hell of a lot more than $5mil, they are in every higher ED school and 95% of all US Masque.



[Re:'Surge in Refugees from U.S. Seeking Asylum in Canada']: Someone coming from the United States is not a refugee. They are not in harms way. How many of these are economic refugees? We can't just have open borders or we will have the same disaster as Europe. People who are genuinely in danger should be allowed but legally through the proper legal procedures.


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