Friday, March 24, 2017

London Attack: ISIS' Blueprint for Murder

London Attack: ISIS' Blueprint for MurderThe Clarion team examines the ramifications.Listen
Send Your Condolences to Family of Murdered Police Officer Your letter will be forwarded to the London police.Send Letter
Should Media Include Terrorists In Casualty Figures?Some media outlets include terrorists killed while carrying out their attacks when providing figures.Vote
Salafists Control All Mosques in Brussels: MayorMayor Yvan Mayeur said this must change.Read
The Abuse of Two ISIS Child SoldiersChildren are used and abused by ISISWatch
Muslim Reform Movement Needs Our SupportClarion's Jennifer Breedon explains whyWatch
Turkey's Extremism: What You Said & What You Can DoWe asked readers to sign a petition asking Washington to stop Turkey from becoming another radical Islamic state.Take Action
Kosovo Turns to Women to Help Fight RadicalizationCounterterrorism experts in Kosovo now think women are the key to stopping radicalization.Read
Readers Write
What Makes Girls Get Radical?
"Catch them young - is the dictum of Love Jihadis who catch hold of immature teen aged girls with low self esteem."
London Attack: ISIS' Blueprint for Murder
"The families should sue the politicians responsible for these policies allowing terrorist into the country."

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