Monday, March 27, 2017

 Should Muslims Be Expected to Condemn Islamist Terrorist Attacks? 

Muslim Women in Solidarity Show Against London Terror AttackShould we expect Muslims to hold such events?Comment Now
Major Companies Pull Google Ads Over Extremist ContentAt least 250 companies are boycotting Google until it's digital formula changes.Report Extremism
UK Muslim Man: I'm Afraid to Speak Out Against IslamistsHe says many share his views but are too scared to talk.Listen
Should Terrorists Be Counted in Death Tolls?We asked for your opinions after the London attack. Here are your answers.Join the Conversation
Readers Write
French PM Launches Plan to Integrate Returning Children of Jihadis
"Depends on the age. The younger they are, the better the chances of actual rehabilitation to a "normal" sense. IMHO.....but who knows. I refuse to give up on the little ones."
Send Your Condolences to Family of Murdered Police Officer
"May God uphold you and comfort you at this tragic time. We thank you for the bravery of your husband/ father/ son who was killed doing his job of protecting the public. We should always be grateful for the courage of our police force."

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