Friday, March 31, 2017

Recovery & Rehabilitation of ISIS Children: Is It Possible?

Drone Video Shows ISIS Using Human ShieldThe Islamic State is holding 197 children as human shields in MosulWatch
Normalizing the HijabIslamism hits fashion in the West to affect a cultural shift.Share Your Views
Focus Efforts on Assimilation, Not IntegrationThe difference between the two and the impact on fighting radical Islam.Join the Conversation
ISIS Threatens IranThis Islamic republic is the latest name of ISIS' hitlistWatch
Readers Write
Jailed for a Painting
"She is Kurd, female and her picture is taken as a criticism of Turkey. Three strikes against her, so she had to be jailed. This is life in Turkey."
Normalizing the Hijab
"It isn't that they choose to wear these things, it's what happens to a Muslim woman when she doesn't."

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