Tuesday, October 18, 2016

(PNN) PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network: PROMINENT PASTOR: We have to stop Hillary - or we'...

He called the choice in November a binary decision between Trump's nationalism and the globalism of Clinton, who has been revealed in recently released emails and transcripts of speeches as an explicit supporter of "open borders."
"On the one hand, we have Hillary Clinton, who is an avowed globalist," said Gallups. "She has spoken against Second Amendment rights, she has spoken in favor of perpetuating the abortion holocaust, she has spoken very clearly about her desire to bring in more Islamic refugees, and has spoken in favor of the borders staying fairly porous and loosening the immigration laws. I could go on and on."

(PNN) PPSIMMONS News and Ministry Network: PROMINENT PASTOR: We have to stop Hillary - or we'...: Pastor Carl Gallups offers understanding ... Evangelical Christians are mostly sticking with Donald Trump, despite the mainstream me... End Times - It is All About Jerusalem - the City of the Great Kingin the Apple of Gods Eyehttp://allaboutjerusalem.net

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