Friday, October 14, 2016

Clinton Warned That Jordan Couldn’t Vet Refugees Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 346


Clinton Warned That Jordan Couldn't Vet Refugees

Clinton Warned That Jordan Couldn't Vet Refugees

Hillary Clinton said it was impossible to vet all the Syrian refugees or to know if jihadists were entering the country. learn more


Tribal Europe: Politics, Problems and Solutions (Part III)

As France heads into elections next year, the questions will be: What is the future of France? Multicultural or uniquely French?

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Tribal Europe: Politics, Problems and Solutions (Part III)

5 Things to Know About the Battle for Aleppo

Aleppo is all over the news and with good reason too, it's important. Here are 5 things you should know about what's going on in Aleppo.

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5 Things to Know About the Battle for Aleppo

Two Steps Forward for Women in Pakistan

Two new bills offer hope, yet it is certainly not time to celebrate when so much still needs to be changed for women's lives to be bearable in Pakistan.

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Two Steps Forward for Women in Pakistan

Latest Issue of ISIS Rumiyah Magazine Released

ISIS has switched away from Dabiq in favor of an easier to read, less theological magazine. The name Rumiyah refers to Rome.

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Latest Issue of ISIS Rumiyah Magazine Released

Long-Awaited: Hindu Marriage Act in Pakistan

Pakistan's constitution never gave Hindus the 'right' to register their marriages, resulting in massive discrimination against women.

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Long-Awaited: Hindu Marriage Act in Pakistan


Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

Is Islam a Religion of Peace?

Does Islam need a reformation, just as Christianity had the Protestant Reformation? Somali-born author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali poses the question.



Hollande -- French Muslim Women Will Free Themselves of Veil

"If we give [the Muslim woman] the possibility to fulfill herself, she will free herself from her veil and become a French woman, while continuing to be religious if she so wishes."

- François Hollande
President of France


Was Congress Too Hasty in Framing the Justice for Terror Victims Act?

Congress overrode President Obama’s veto to the 'Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act,' a law that was meant to allow victims of 9/11 to sue the Saudi government for financing and aiding terrorism.

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Was Congress Too Hasty in Framing the Justice for Terror Victims Act?



[Re:'ICC Sets Precedent: Destruction of Cultural Heritage 'War Crime'']: It should absolutely be classified as a war crime, but I don't see it making a bit of difference to these monsters.



[Re:'ISIS to Enemies: If You Approach We'll Kill Yazidi Sex Slaves']: This is a no win situation, those girls lives are already compromised, only a Special Forces attack with high casualties could free any of them.


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