Thursday, October 20, 2016

Is the Battle to Liberate Mosul Good for Its Residents? Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 349


Is the Battle to Liberate Mosul Good for Its Residents?

Is the Battle to Liberate Mosul Good for Its Residents?

Hundreds of thousands of Iraqis may be trapped over the coming days in the battle between ISIS and coalition forces. What of the survivors? learn more


Noor Dahri: Pakistan and Israel Have Shared National Interests

Noor Dahri: Pakistan and Israel Have Shared National Interests

The founder of the Pakistan-Israel Alliance talks to Clarion about why he feels the two countries can develop a beautiful friendship. learn more


Malaysia Mulls Introducing Brutal Hudud Punishments

A bill to establish hudud punishments including stoning and whipping in Kelantan State is coming before Malaysia's National Parliament.

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Malaysia Mulls Introducing Brutal Hudud Punishments

Chess Champion Takes a Stand for Women's Rights in Iran

Nazi Paikidze-Barnes argues the Chess World Championship cannot take place in the Islamic Republic while women are forced to cover themselves.

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Chess Champion Takes a Stand for Women's Rights in Iran

Turkey Leaves Yazidis Suffering With No Legal Status

'My experience at the Yazidi camp was devastating': Omer Eryilmaz, health official at a Yazidi camp in Turkey for three years.

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Turkey Leaves Yazidis Suffering With No Legal Status


Fethullah Gulen Compares Erdogan to Hitler, Stalin

Fethullah Gulen Compares Erdogan to Hitler, Stalin

Turkish opposition leader Fethullah Gülen says that the policy of President Erdoğan after the failed coup was "to eradicate any voice of opposition ...Once you have silenced all the voices of opposition, the masses become easy prey for deception and blind obedience."



Ayaan Hirsi Ali --Tolerance of Intolerance

"Tolerance of intolerance is cowardice."

- Ayaan Hirsi Ali
Author, Human Rights Activist, Parliamentarian


Islamism and Western Media

Allowing extremists to be seen as the only legitimate representation of Islam in the media silences the voices of liberal Muslims who share the same values as the West. 

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Islamism and Western Media



[Re:'ISIS' Big Defeat: The Loss of Dabiq']: I agree that the defeat at Dabiq has caused ISIS to lose credibility. But whoever inherits their mantle will easily be able to spin this battle as being lost simply because it was not the one prophecied. The hadith say that 80 flags will be raised against the mujahedeen; there were perhaps only 15 or so groups opposing them. Also the army of 'Rome' is supposed to land in Dabiq; the West only provided air support.



[Re:'Muslim Father Rapes Daughter for Being Too Westernized']: Sickening. Western countries and the Vatican need to wake up!!!


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