Tuesday, October 18, 2016

ISIS’ Big Defeat: The Loss of Dabiq

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issue 348


ISIS' Big Defeat: The Loss of Dabiq

ISIS' Big Defeat: The Loss of Dabiq

Dabiq is much, much more than another town lost by ISIS fighters. This is the very heart of ISIS ideology - its belief in an end-times prophecy. learn more


Houston Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiring for Islamic State

The 24-year old, originally a Palestinian from Iraq, was arrested in January and had been granted asylum in the USA as a refugee.

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Houston Man Pleads Guilty to Conspiring for Islamic State

Kansas Terrorist Plot to Bomb Muslims

Three self-styled Crusaders have been arrested in Kansas for a plot to blow up an apartment building housing Somali-American Muslims.

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Kansas Terrorist Plot to Bomb Muslims

Average Citizens Work to Fight ISIS' Twitter Presence

A group run by average citizens, works to stifle Islamic State's influence on Twitter and proves successful.

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Average Citizens Work to Fight ISIS' Twitter Presence


Fears of Sectarian Massacres on Eve of Takeover of Mosul

Fears of Sectarian Massacres on Eve of Takeover of Mosul

Qais Khazali, Secretary-General of the Iraqi Shiite Asa'ib Ahl Al-Haq militia, vowed that the Popular Mobilization Units (PMU) would participate in the battle to liberate Mosul 'in vengeance against the slayers of Hussein.' Khazali said that the youth were going to the battlefronts "to fight the filthiest of the creations of Allah."





[Re: 'EXCLUSIVE: Love Story and Escape From Pakistan']: Good luck!



[Re:'Survey: Almost 50% of Americans Say No to Mosques Near Them']: Federal law, which interestingly was passed UNAMINOUSLY by congress, says that cities and counties cannot deny a building permit for a church, temple or mosque anywhere the congregation wants to build it. What people have to say in opposition means nothing. They can make noise but a mosque cannot be denied. This came about, by the way, because some Christian churches were denied building where they wanted to and sued. The churches won. Congress passed the Religious Freedom law but the law can't treat churches any different from temples or mosques or any other religious building.


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