Monday, December 12, 2016

FBI Links US-Based Jihadi Cult to Al-Qaeda Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 370


FUQRA FILES EXCLUSIVE: FBI Links Jihadi Cult to Al-Qaeda

FUQRA FILES EXCLUSIVE: FBI Links Jihadi Cult to Al-Qaeda

For the first time you can read here the actual FBI documents showing the links between 22 radical Islamist villages in the U.S. and al-Qaeda. learn more


Droned: Charlie Hebdo Plotter Taken Out by US

The strike sends a strong message of deterrence to anyone considering carrying out attacks: the U.S. will find and kill them.

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Droned: Charlie Hebdo Plotter Taken Out by US

What Is Justice? Ohio State Students Protest Killing of Jihadi

The protests were part of a larger gathering to eulogize people of color who have been killed by police since October.

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What Is Justice? Ohio State Students Protest Killing of Jihadi

Boy Killed for Being Gay But Not His Lover - an ISIS Commander

ISIS theoretically has a zero-tolerance policy towards homosexuality unless it means the organization will lose out.

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Boy Killed for Being Gay But Not His Lover - an ISIS Commander

Pig Carcass Dumped at Mosque in Oklahoma

For those truly concerned with extremist elements in the faith, civilization provides a plethora of moral tools to work towards positive change.

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Pig Carcass Dumped at Mosque in Oklahoma

Jihadi Children Return to Europe: 'Purer' Than Adult Fighters

Intelligence and psychology experts reckon that it will take a generation to bring them back to normality.

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Jihadi Children Return to Europe: 'Purer' Than Adult Fighters

Woman Leader of Iranian Female Militia: Gender Equality Illegal

The head of the women's Basij also opposes efforts to elect female parliamentarians as well as education to curb domestic violence.

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Woman Leader of Iranian Female Militia: Gender Equality Illegal

Schoolgirls in Nigeria Kill 56 in Suicide Bombings

Girls volunteer for such missions as a way to end their horrific lives under captivity, which include relentless hunger and sexual abuse.

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Schoolgirls in Nigeria Kill 56 in Suicide Bombings

At Least 22 Killed in Bomb Attack on Coptic Cathedral

At least 22 people were killed and 35 more injured in an explosion at St Mark's Cathedral in Cairo, only days after six were killed near the pyramids.

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At Least 22 Killed in Bomb Attack on Coptic Cathedral

Who Was Behind the Deadly Bombing in Turkey?

Erodgan would be well-advised to make peace with the Kurds but his ethnocentric Islamist ideology will most likely prevent that.

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Who Was Behind the Deadly Bombing in Turkey?


Saudi Prof: OK to Dress Like a Priest, Rabbi for Attack on Enemy

Saudi Prof: OK to Dress Like a Priest, Rabbi for Attack on Enemy

Listen to the opinion about lying during war by Walid al-Wadaan, professor at the University of Muhammed be Saud in Riyadh. 



Boris Johnson -- Saudi Arabia, Iran and Proxy Wars

" ... you’ve got the Saudis, Iran, everybody, moving in, and puppeteering and playing proxy wars.

- Boris Johnson
UK Foreign Secretary


The Islamist Witch Hunt Against a Canadian Principal

Ghada Sadaka was hounded by relentless pressure by a handful of Muslim activists who employed the tactic of feigned outrage to set boundaries on free speech,

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The Islamist Witch Hunt Against a Canadian Principal



[Re: Clarion's new film'Kids: Inside the Terror Factory']: While our kids are being forcefully spoon fed with political correctness they are teaching future generations of kids how to kill ours . Time to wake up time to wise up time to act.



[Re: 'Southern Poverty Law Center Covers Up Anti-White Hate Crime']: SPLC proved themselves as frauds the moment they added Clarion Project - Challenging Islamist Extremism and Ayaan Hirsi Ali as a hate group. Facts are still facts even when they don't support their political narrative.


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