Sunday, December 11, 2016

Clarion Project Top Tier Supporters Group

Dear Clarion Supporter,
We are delighted to add you to the Clarion Project's Inner-Circle Group. This means you will be the first to receive notifications about new short films, feature documentaries and special campaigns.

Over the last few months, due to your support, Clarion Project has become more popular than ever for which we are extremely grateful.

As an exclusive gift to you we asked our three experts to give their 90-second opinion on how President-Elect Trump views Radical Islam and his future policies.


  Ryan Mauro         Jennifer Breedon        Raheel Raza

We have one request from you: Please share our content with your family, friends and colleagues and ask them to sign up for our newsletters. It is through you, our most loyal supporters, that we can spread our message to challenge radical Islam and promote human rights with those willing to stand up and fight extremism.

Thank you again for your support,

The Clarion Team


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