Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Could a Berlin-Type Attack Take Place in America? Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 374


Could a Berlin-Type Attack Take Place in America?

Could a Berlin-Type Attack Take Place in America?

As Europe comes to terms with the attack on a Berlin Christmas market that left a dozen dead, we examine the implications for the United States. learn more



ISIS Indoctrinating Kids With Apps to Blow Up Eiffel Tower

The apps purportedly teach kids Arabic but reward the user if they are prepared to carry out attacks on the West, like the Statue of Liberty.

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ISIS Indoctrinating Kids With Apps to Blow Up Eiffel Tower

Merry Christmas - and Say It Out Loud

As Germany buries those who gave their lives for the sake of a family Christmas, Christians in the West must proudly celebrate the holy day.

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Merry Christmas - and Say It Out Loud

Death of a Diplomat and World War III

What are the global implications after the assassination of Russia's man in Ankara on December 19? Meira Svirsky reports.

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Death of a Diplomat and World War III

Berlin Christmas Attack – Part of a Larger Plan

The attack in Berlin last night was a point in a trajectory of incitement by Islamist extremists against anything and anyone not Muslim.

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Berlin Christmas Attack – Part of a Larger Plan

Chelsea Bomber Suspect Makes First Appearance in Court

After his arrest, police recovered a journal by suspect Ahmad Khan Rahami containing praise for known terrorist groups.

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Chelsea Bomber Suspect Makes First Appearance in Court


US/Canadian Couple Held by Taliban Pleads for Release

US/Canadian Couple Held by Taliban Pleads for Release

The Taliban released a scripted video of Canadian Joshua Boyle and his American wife Caitlan Coleman who have been held since 2012 after being kidnapped in Afghanistan. Both of their children were born in captivity. 



Angela Merkel: Living with Fear of Evil

"We do not want to live paralysed by the fear of evil.

- Angela Merkel
German Chancellor


The Emergence of a New (and Different) Arab Spring

The optimist in me feels something is afoot in the Arab heartland that has not yet appeared on our radars in the West.

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The Emergence of a New (and Different) Arab Spring



[Re: 'ISIS Indoctrinating Kids With Apps to Blow Up Eiffel Tower']: This proves that civilization is not serious about surviving when an app like this is allowed to exist.



[Re:"Iran: Defense Budget Increase Equals US 'Ransom' Payment"]: The Peace Prize President supplies the largest financer of Terrorism all the money they will need for quite some time.


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