Friday, December 30, 2016

Ask President-elect Trump to Meet With Muslim Reformists Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 378


Ask President-elect Trump to Meet With Muslim Reformists

Ask President-elect Trump to Meet With Muslim Reformists

During the Obama years, Muslim Brotherhood groups had ample access to the White House while anti-Islamist Muslim reformers were shut out. Sign the petition. learn more





VIDEO: Arrested for Diving

Saudi police officers arrested a woman in her thirties for taking a diving lesson from men. They say more arrests will follow.

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VIDEO: Arrested for Diving

Profiles of 9 Virginians Aiding ISIS Pose Tough Questions

The profiles from an intel report obtained by The Washington Times paint a disturbing picture young people who appear to be integrated Americans.

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Profiles of 9 Virginians Aiding ISIS Pose Tough Questions

Texas Man Charged; Wanted to Kill Obama as 'Martyr for Allah'

The 21-year old is also charged with making threats to plant bombs to destroy the FBI Field Office in Houston and the White House.

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Texas Man Charged; Wanted to Kill Obama as 'Martyr for Allah'

Girl Dies From FGM; Judge's Sentence: Suspended Jail Terms

An Egyptian judge finds four guilty of causing death via female circumcision but sympathizes with them and suspends incarceration.

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Girl Dies From FGM; Judge's Sentence: Suspended Jail Terms

The Canonization of an Islamist Killer

When an assassin is hailed as a hero while the reformist governor he murdered is reviled, there is a very long way to go to defeat Islamist extremism.

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The Canonization of an Islamist Killer


Former Iraqi MP and Shiite Scholar: We Now Have 10,000 Saddams

Former Iraqi MP and Shiite Scholar: We Now Have 10,000 Saddams

Ayad Jamal Al-Din expresses his disappoint with democracy in the Arab world, saying all the political parties vying for control of Iraq are Islamist with the same goal as ISIS (just better disguised). He 'wishes' for just one dictator like Saddam, remarking, 'Now we have 10,000 Saddams doing the killing.'



Muslim Slaves and Islamophobia

"The sacrifice the black Muslim slaves went through in this country is nothing compared to Islamophobia today."


- Tweet by MAS-ICNA Convention
Muslim American Society & Islamic Circle of North America



[Re:'Why Do EU Politicians and Security See Terror Differently?']: The insanity continues. Good grief!



[Re:'Hate Crime Hoaxes and False Claims of Victimhood']: What is CAIR without a permanent victimhood narrative?


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Thursday, December 29, 2016

48 hours and counting. . . 

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KiDS: Inside the Terror Factory (working title) dives deep inside the world of terrorist organizations to expose an unconscionable and heartbreaking truth.

***Help us complete the production of our film. Watch the teaser HERE***

The Clarion Project community has shown tremendous solidarity and support and we are in the final stretch. We are 77% of the way to reaching our goal and making our upcoming film a HUGE success to ignite change.

Remember, each dollar you give is DOUBLED thanks to matching funds. So act NOW to double your impact and sound the alarm on radical Islamism.

Many thanks,

Shoshana Palatnik, Producer

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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Perhaps the Most Barbaric ISIS Execution Video Ever Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 377


Perhaps the Most Barbaric ISIS Execution Video Ever

Perhaps the Most Barbaric ISIS Execution Video Ever

Please note this execution of two Turkish soldiers captured by Islamic State is of an extremely graphic nature. Help us stop Islamist destruction. learn more





Watch Iraqis Celebrate Christmas in Wake of ISIS Defeats

The various fighting forces in Syria and Iraq have ISIS on the run. For the first time in years, churches were packed this Christmas in Iraq.

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Watch Iraqis Celebrate Christmas in Wake of ISIS Defeats

Saudi Man Jailed for Campaigning Against Male Guardianship

A Saudi Arabian man has been sentenced to a year in jail for his activism against the kingdom's law that requires all women to have a male guardian.

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Saudi Man Jailed for Campaigning Against Male Guardianship

Two Charged With Preparing Terror Plot in UK

A man and a woman were charged at Westminster Crown Court with preparing a terrorist attack.

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Two Charged With Preparing Terror Plot in UK

Hate Crime Hoaxes and False Claims of Victimhood

Clarion has been at the forefront of condemning hate crime against Muslims, but when it's a hoax, CAIR would do well to simply admit it.

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Hate Crime Hoaxes and False Claims of Victimhood

Why Do EU Politicians and Security See Terror Differently?

The head of the European Commission and Europe's border agency have very different attitudes to security and migration.

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Why Do EU Politicians and Security See Terror Differently?


Clarion's Ryan Mauro on Fox: Top 5 Terror Threats in 2017

Clarion's Ryan Mauro on Fox: Top 5 Terror Threats in 2017

From homegrown groups, the Muslim Brotherhood in the U.S., Iran and Afghanistan, Clarion Project's national security analyst Ryan Mauro talks about the top terror threats of 2017.



James Mitchell -- political correctness

"I think the American public needs to have a debate about how they want to protect themselves ...  if this obsessive political correctness continues, we're going to be standing on the moral high ground looking down into our smoking hole that used to be several blocks in Los Angeles."

- Dr. James Mitchell
Air Force Psychologist, Interrogator of 9/11 Terrorists


Screening Tests for Canadian Values: A Good Call

When Canadian MP Kellie Leitch, a candidate for the Conservative Party Leadership, says she wants immigrants to be screened for "Canadian values," does it sound odd to us? It shouldn't. What's wrong with wanting new immigrants to integrate by having Canadian values?

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Screening Tests for Canadian Values: A Good Call



[Re:'Clarion's Ryan Mauro on Fox: Top 5 Terror Threats in 2017']: Great job! You are the first person I have heard to mention the Muslim Brotherhood!



[Re:'Watch Iraqis Celebrate Christmas in Wake of ISIS Defeats']: Hope for a world with religious freedom.


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