Friday, July 7, 2017

Oh, Come on Now New York Times!

Oh, Come on Now New York Times!Are Iran's Quds Force and Hezbollah really fighting terror like the NYT says?Listen
Jihadi Jackpot!The Canadian gov't plan to apologize and award $10.5 million to Omar Khadr.Read
Poll: 60% of American Voters Back New Travel PauseU.N.: 3 out of 10 of those entering Europe are true refugees.Read
Mauro on the Terror Threat to the US at Home and AbroadTerror threats in the U.S., Europe and from Iran and North Korea.Watch
Muslim Women: 'Get the Brotherhood Out of Our Mosques!'Egyptian women the world over make a plea to Al Azhar.Read
Readers Write
ISIS Burns Alive 12, Including Family of Four
"There is no limit to their depravity, my God."
Ohio Man Planned Large-Scale Terror Attack
"His US citizenship should be revoked. After his 40 year sentence, he should be deported to Somalia."

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