Monday, July 10, 2017

Mosul Liberated! But ISIS Rolls on

Mosul Liberated! But ISIS Rolls onIslamic State heads east; sets eyes on ChinaListen
News Analysis
Omar Kadr Payout Circumvents Victims LawsuitEfforts by victims to sue for Omar Kadr's $10.5 million payout are now moot.Read
Terror Convictions in Ohio and VirginiaOne tried to join ISIS in Syria; another tried to join the U.S. military to do something 'glorious.'Read
Video Testimony of an ISIS FighterThe inside story on the evils of Islamic StateWatch
Massive Turnout for Anti-Erdogan 'March for Justice'A non-partisan rally protested Erdogan's sweeping power grab of the judicial system.Read
Readers Write
Jihadi Jackpot!
"I am Muslim and I am very sad and upset about this ...sad day Canada"
Linda Sarsour: Jihad Against Trump Is 'Patriotism'
"Unfortunately she has freedom to spew her hatred. What disturbs me most is she has been given a freedom and instead of using it for the thousands of women in Islamic countries that are oppressed, she chooses this. SMH"

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