Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Texas Pre-School Teacher Tweets ‘Kill Some Jews’ Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 392


Texas Pre-School Teacher Tweets 'Kill Some Jews'

Texas Pre-School Teacher Tweets 'Kill Some Jews'

A member of Students for Justice in Palestine, Salem previously tweeted, 'How many Jews died in the Holocaust? Not enough … HAHAHAHA.' learn more

In episode 7 of the Clarion film The Third Jihad, we examine how radical Islam treats women and girls. In the world of sharia law, Islamists see women as second-class citizens. Their testimony in court is worth half of that of a man. Horrifically, a woman can be executed for adultery even if she is raped.



Refusing to Don Hijab, Marine Le Pen Walks Out on Grand Mufti

The National Front candidate for the French presidency refused to wear a required headscarf to meet the grand mufti during a tour of Lebanon.

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Refusing to Don Hijab, Marine Le Pen Walks Out on Grand Mufti

Christians in Egypt: Mysterious Deaths, Soldier 'Suicides'

Christians make up 10% Egypt's population and suffer grave persecution: denial of jobs, burning of churches and targets for assassination.

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Christians in Egypt: Mysterious Deaths, Soldier 'Suicides'

Iran Bans Teen Chess Champs Over Hijab, Israeli Partner

The siblings were banned from all future tournaments, one for playing without a hijab, one for playing against an Israeli.

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Iran Bans Teen Chess Champs Over Hijab, Israeli Partner

Louis Farrakhan Denounces Jews at Nation of Islam Event

Farrakhan's speech at the annual Nation of Islam Conference included a denunciation of Jews & white people.

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Louis Farrakhan Denounces Jews at Nation of Islam Event


Good News: Trump's National Security Choice

Good News: Trump's National Security Choice

President Trump has chosen General H.R. McMaster as his national security adviser and there's plenty to be happy about. Here are five points to consider with his choice. 




[Re: 'Louis Farrakhan Denounces Jews at Nation of Islam Event']: This man is a Muslim radical, leads a very large group of people and has been able influence young minds towards intolerance of anyone that doesn't fit his world view, his spew is dangerous and weak minds, the dissatisfied, those who feel life owes them something are his following ..."



[Re: 'What Will I Wear Today? 101 to Muslim Women's Clothing']: It means, nothing but female oppression. Funny that western feminists take this as a symbol of their movement these days.


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