Friday, February 10, 2017

Majority of Europeans Want Halt to Muslim Immigration: Poll Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 387


Poll: Majority of Europeans Want Halt to Muslim Immigration

Poll: Majority of Europeans Want Halt to Muslim Immigration

The survey asked respondents in ten countries if "all further migration from mainly Muslim countries should be stopped." learn more

Watch Episode 5, "The Final Jihad" from Clarion Project's film The Third Jihad. A spotlight on radical Islam's relentless fight for global supremacy. 



Ryan Mauro on Trump's Immigrant Ban

Clarion's National Security Analyst weighs in on Fox News about President Trunp's temporary halt and the DHS secretary's comments.

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Ryan Mauro on Trump's Immigrant Ban

Should Twitter Have Censored This Biting Comic?

Twitter has shut down a comics account for lampooning the debate surrounding whether hijabs are feminist or oppressive.

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Should Twitter Have Censored This Biting Comic?

Arizona Man Gets 30 Years for Helping ISIS, Texas Attacker

Investigators say Abdul Malik Abdul Kareem also helped plan and gave cash to two friends who attacked the 'Draw Muhammed' contest.

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Arizona Man Gets 30 Years for Helping ISIS, Texas Attacker

To Contain Iran, Blacklist the Revolutionary Guards

The Guards are the main force behind Iran's nuclear program, lethal meddling across the Middle East, ballistic missile drive and domestic crackdown.

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To Contain Iran, Blacklist the Revolutionary Guards

Moroccan Woman Drives Through Glass Ceiling

Economic reality is pushing women beyond the society's conservative social limitations, yet it still takes a lot of courage and gumption.

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Moroccan Woman Drives Through Glass Ceiling


Girls in Afghanistan Fight ISIS With Martial Arts

Girls in Afghanistan Fight ISIS With Martial Arts

Despite the fact that sports for women is highly restricted in Afghanistan, a group of Hazara (mainly Shiite) girls whose community has recently faced a series of attacks are preparing themselves for defense.



Flynn -- Tackling Enemy Doctrines

"If we can't tackle enemy doctrines that call for our domination or extinction, we aren't going to destroy their jihadis."

- Michael Flynn
U.S. National Security Adviser



[Re:'Girls in Afghanistan Fight ISIS With Martial Arts']: Wow as a martial artist, I am impressed. I might mention as I have told my son that you need time to find your weapon, but a martial artist if trained good enough is ready to defend even with out a weapon.



[Re:'Five Reasons The Muslim Brotherhood Is a Terror Group']: Not only do I hope Trump banns the Muslim Brotherhood, I also hope he banns CAIR and labels them BOTH as terrorist groups!


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