Monday, February 27, 2017

Former Muslim Terrorist Sees Jesus And Becomes A Christian (English with...

Former Muslim Terrorist Sees Jesus And Becomes A Christian (English with Arabic Subtitles)

End Times - It is All About Jerusalem - the City of the Great Kingin the Apple of Gods Eye



End Times - It is All About Jerusalem - the City of the Great Kingin the Apple of Gods Eye

EXCLUSIVE: Why I Nearly Bombed London Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 394


EXCLUSIVE: Why I Nearly Bombed London

EXCLUSIVE: Why I Nearly Bombed London

Former extremist Sohail Ahmed reveals why he nearly carried out a terror attack in his home town of London. learn more


Anti-Trump Women's Movement Teams Up With Islamist Terrorist

The liberal left has teamed up with extremist and violent Islamists in its next salvo against newly-inaugurated U.S. President Donald Trump.

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Anti-Trump Women's Movement Teams Up With Islamist Terrorist

New DNC Chair Perez Engaged Islamists, Ignored Reformers

By ignoring Muslim reformers, Perez's actions serve to make Islamist groups into the sole representatives of Muslims in the United States.

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New DNC Chair Perez Engaged Islamists, Ignored Reformers

Feminism, Hijabs and Hypocrisy

Defending the rights of women to wear the hijab while failing to support women who do not wish to wear it is patently hypocritical.

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Feminism, Hijabs and Hypocrisy

Iraq Militia Claim Rescue of Puppy From ISIS Suicide Bomb Fate

A video has surfaced purporting to show Iraqi militiamen rescuing a puppy which they say was sent to kill them after ISIS strapped explosives to it.

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Iraq Militia Claim Rescue of Puppy From ISIS Suicide Bomb Fate

Ever Heard of Iran's "Muscle Drain?"

We have known about Iran's brain and artist drain. Now, more and more Iranian athletes are fleeing the country.

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Ever Heard of Iran's

Iraq 101: Christians and Other Groupings

The latest in Clarion's series explaining the situation in Iraq. This time a look at the religious groupings with a focus on the Christians.

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Iraq 101: Christians and Other Groupings

North Carolina Anti-Muslim Bigot: "Can We Not Kill Them All?"

A meeting of anti-Islamists turned ugly when one attendee began to make comments about killing all Muslims. Anti-Muslim bigotry is always wrong.

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 North Carolina Anti-Muslim Bigot:


Iranian Animated Film: IRGC Decimates US Forces in Gulf

Iranian Animated Film: IRGC Decimates US Forces in Gulf

The trailer from an Iranian film depicting an armed confrontation between the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps and U.S. Navy shows Commander Qassem Soleimani ordering attack on U.S. aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf. 




[Re:'Feminism, Hijabs and Hypocrisy']: The day a women can walk into a mosque uncovered and pray with the men if she chooses to and without any fear of reprisal is the day a woman is free to choose to wear a hijab.



[Re:'Iran Bans Teen Chess Champs Over Hijab, Israeli Partner']: Can't have teens who can think for themselves...esp. one who is female.


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Sunday, February 26, 2017

Joel Richardson - The Islamic End Time Paradigm

The Islamic End Time Paradigm
End Times - It is All About Jerusalem - the City of the Great Kingin the Apple of Gods Eye

The Underground Episode 63: Harlot Babylon: The History of the Mystery

Mystery Babylon

End Times - It is All About Jerusalem - the City of the Great Kingin the Apple of Gods Eye

Third Jihad ep8 - Honor Killings

Clarion top tier group advance copy of Clarion's film series The Third Jihad.
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We are excited to send you an advance copy of episode 8 of our film series The Third Jihad.
In episode 8, Honor Killings, Clarion Project uncovers the tragic world of radical Islam and honor violence. Men and women abusing and murdering their children for crimes such as using social media or loving the wrong person.
Previous episodes can be seen here.

In 2007, Clarion Project completed this landmark film highlighting radical Islamists' engagement in a "multifaceted strategy to overcome the Western world," waging a "cultural jihad" to "infiltrate and undermine our society from within."

On the film's 10th anniversary you will be astounded at how accurately we predicted the future, in a world where radical Islam was allowed to flourish, in a world where political correctness silenced Islamist detractors and in a world where 'cultural sensibilities' trumped free speech. 

Week by week we will unfold the story of radical Islam, unveiling its historic, cultural, religious and militant roots and show how they manifest themselves in today's society.

As ever, we would ask two things from you: Please send us your comments and please share this video with as many people as you can.

Thanks for your support,

The Clarion Team 
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Friday, February 24, 2017

5 Points About New National Security Adviser Gen. McMaster Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 393


5 Points About New National Security Adviser Gen. McMaster

5 Points About New National Security Adviser Gen. McMaster

General McMaster is known for winning the most difficult of battles. His warrior side will come in handy in dealing with Afghanistan and Iraq. learn more


Vatican, Top Sunni Body to Jointly Counter Extremism

Pope Francis has commissioned a delegation of high-ranking clerics to strategize the roles of the Vatican and Al-Azhar in combating extremism.

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Vatican, Top Sunni Body to Jointly Counter Extremism

Middle East Forum's Plan for Trump Radical Islam Commission

Trump's administration pledged to establish a commission on radical Islam. The Middle East Forum has a proposal ready.

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Middle East Forum's Plan for Trump Radical Islam Commission

Iran's Regime of Terror by the Numbers

In 38 years, the country's Islamist regime has taken the people into poverty and illiteracy while the leadership has gotten richer and richer.

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Iran's Regime of Terror by the Numbers

Yazidis and Christians: Scapegoats of Regional Politics in Iraq

Get up close with those who face the brunt of attacks in this war-torn country and get the real facts from Clarion's team on the ground.

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Yazidis and Christians: Scapegoats of Regional Politics in Iraq

Gitmo Radicalized Our Boy, Says UK Family

The family of an ISIS suicide bomber blamed American prison facility Guantanamo Bay for radicalizing him during his two years there.

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Gitmo Radicalized Our Boy, Says UK Family

Video: Iraq's Who's Who

Everything You Need to Know About Iraq in Under 10 Minutes. Back from war-torn Iraq, Clarion's legal analyst explains who is fighting whom and why.

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Video: Iraq's Who's Who

Nigerian Muslim Leader Moves to Restrict Polygamy

The Emir of Kano says polygamy leads to children who aren't properly cared for and thus are more likely to become terrorists later.

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Nigerian Muslim Leader Moves to Restrict Polygamy


Asra Nomani and the Politics of Hijab

Asra Nomani and the Politics of Hijab

Muslim feminist, human rights activist and writer Asra Nomani debates  and exposes the global propaganda campaign behind 'Wear Hijab Day.'



Rick Santorum -- Anti-Semitism coming from Pro-Palestinians and Muslims

"If you look at the people who are responsible for a lot of this anti-Semitism that we are seeing, I hate to say it, [but] a lot of it is coming from the pro-Palestinian and Muslim community."


- Rick Santorum
Former US Congressman


Stop Marching in the Wrong Direction

Blogger and activist Khadija Khan argues against Muslim activists whom she sees as "marching in the wrong direction. 

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Stop Marching in the Wrong Direction



[Re:'Texas Pre-School Teacher Tweets 'Kill Some Jews'']: Where the hell do they find these people? Do they not carry out any due diligence what-so-ever when doing background checks on potential staff?



[Re:'Refusing to Don Hijab, Marine Le Pen Walks Out on Grand Mufti']: Well done by that woman!!! Equality within our societies. Get used to it mufti.


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