issue 336 |
NY, NJ Alleged Bomber's Path to Terror
Ahmad Rahmani posted radical Islamist writing on his website and had transformed to a 'serious' and religious person from his former self. learn more
Horrific ISIS Clip Shows Young Blond Child Help Executions A horrific new clip released by the Islamic State shows an eight-year-old blond child assisting in executions. | |
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NY Suspect's Mosque Linked to Subversive Islamist Group If we want to learn where Rahami got his seditious Islamist ideology, a good place to start is his mosque that is linked to ICNA, a seditious Islamist group. | |
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Muslim Militants Go Door to Door Killing Christians The attacks come as Boko Haram kills four at a church and a boat captain starts trial for throwing Christian refugees overboard. | |
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What John Kerry Probably Told the Saudi Crown Prince We don't know what U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said to Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef at the U.N., but maybe it sounded like this. | |
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NY Times: 'Militant Violence' Vanishing. Really? The media's desire to shape world events by whitewashing reality or by falsifying the narrative seems to have gotten out of control this election season. |
Clarion on Fox: Minnesota Knife Attack Part of Bigger Threat Clarion Project's national security analyst, Prof. Ryan Mauro, appears on "Fox & Friends" to discuss the Islamist knifing rampage at a shopping mall in Minnesota, which happened on the same day as bombings in N.J. and N.Y. |
![]() | What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur'an: A History of Islam & the United States By William J. Federer A fast-paced, objective history of the world from a perspective you have never imagined. Current events will come into focus in the back drop of 1,400 years of inconceivable yet true events and conflicts. Thousands of books, documents and articles were researched over several years in preparation for this book. |
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K.M. |
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S.S. |
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