Monday, August 22, 2016

California Killer of Grandparents Was Influenced by Islamists Facebook Twitter Youtube

issue 323


California Killer of Grandparents Was Influenced by Islamists

California Killer of Grandparents Was Influenced by Islamists

Although it is unclear if Nathaniel Scheiern had converted to Islam, his Facebook page is full of declarations to Allah. learn more


50,000 Children May Starve to Death Due to Boko Haram

Northeastern Nigeria was once the breadbasket of the entire country. It is now a wasteland of scorched earth, massacre and destruction.

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50,000 Children May Starve to Death Due to Boko Haram

How Young Can a Suicide Bomber Be?

The perpetrator of the Aug. 20 suicide bombing in Turkey was no more than 14. But he's not the first child suicide bomber and he won't be the last.

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How Young Can a Suicide Bomber Be?

Why Destroying Old Buildings is a Crime Against Humanity

Ahmad al-Faqi al-Mahdi is the first man to go on trial at the International Criminal Court for destroying part of the world's cultural heritage.

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Why Destroying Old Buildings is a Crime Against Humanity

Europol Finds Fake Passports for ISIS in Greek Refugee Camps

The European police agency found the passports during a four-country investigation into people-smuggling into Europe including by ISIS.

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Europol Finds Fake Passports for ISIS in Greek Refugee Camps

Islamic State Calls for Attacks on Civilians in Europe and America

'Hey you, America! Have you made the world a safer place through your war against us? Or has fear and destruction spread over the entire world?': ISIS

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Islamic State Calls for Attacks on Civilians in Europe and America

Top Firms Honoring Muslim Religious Requests in Workplace

Many leading firms are going out of their way to provide Muslim employees with their religious requirements in order to retain top staff.

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Top Firms Honoring Muslim Religious Requests in Workplace

6 Stories Speak Volumes About Turkey Now

While ISIS continues suicide attacks, a Turkish gov't consultant calls a German MP a whore and journalists are threatened with rape by police.

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6 Stories Speak Volumes About Turkey Now


Wife of Notorious UK Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary Exposed

Wife of Notorious UK Hate Preacher Anjem Choudary Exposed

A secret video taken of Rubana Akhtar, the wife of Anjem Choudary, holding a clandestine meeting explaining how British non-Muslims will be destroyed and mocking an ISIS victim who was burned alive.



Ismail Berdiev, the chairman of the North Caucasus Muslim Coordinating Center

[On FGM] "It's done to calm a woman's zeal somewhat. There's absolutely no health problem here."

- Ismail Berdiev
Chairman of the North Caucasus Muslim Coordinating Center


No compulsion in religion?

What happened when a Muslim-Canadian publicly left the faith was both shockingly offensive and depressingly predictable. 

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No compulsion in religion?

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