Sunday, December 31, 2017

Has Terror Wrecked New Year's Eve?

Has Terror Wrecked New Year's Eve?Is it worth braving the crowds to celebrate this year? We look at 5 citiesRead
Are We Witnessing the Next Revolution in Iran?What began as economic protests are snowballing into anti-Islamist ralliesListen
Is Extra Security Worth the Hassle?Clarion's Ryan Mauro on Fox discusses new Disney policies and moreWatch
The Roots of Radical Islam in 2017We review the last 12 monthsWatch
Manhattan Bomber Trying to Radicalize Inmates In PrisonThe terrorist was convicted for a bombing which injured 30 people in Chelsea Read
Readers Write
What Trump Needs to Do to Secure Syria, Iraq
"Nothing to secure, ISIS is going to Canada for a holiday in Ottawa!"
German 'FBI' Fears Rising Influence of Muslim Brotherhood
"Thanks to friggin' weak politicians in the west (Merkel, Macron, May, Obama, Trudeau etc..)"

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Saturday, December 30, 2017

Preach the Gospel podcast

Preach the Gospel - Seek and Save the Lost podcast
to turn them from darkness to light

End Times - It is All About Jerusalem - the City of the Great King - the Apple of Gods Eye - ...

Friday, December 29, 2017

"All Hail King Jesus" (Lyric Video) - Jeremy Riddle | MORE

'Would You Like Dinner Before I Kill You?'

'Would You Like Dinner Before I Kill You?'Grisly honor killings in a tragedy beyond wordsRead
What Trump Needs to Do to Secure Syria, IraqThe Kurds offer a solution and an allianceWatch
News Analysis
How Progressives Are Responding to Fuqra CandidateFascinating and disturbing responses from the 'progressive' campRead
News and Petition
German 'FBI' Fears Rising Influence of Muslim BrotherhoodThe Brotherhood has some 2,700 operations in GermanyRead and Sign
British ISIS Fighters in Turkey Threaten EuropeNew video warns of New Year attacksRead
Qatar - Coup in the Offing?Princes are unhappy Qatar backed the bad guys and is now isolatedListen
Readers Write
10 Al-Qaeda Leaders You Should Know About
"No race, language, nationality, ethnicity, economic, social or educational background links them but just ONE common denominator, i.e., their ideology and sect, the Salafi Jihadism (confirmed by former Salafi Muslim Imam of the Holy Mosque in Makkah, Imam Kalbani) Shame on these terrorists, their ideology, their supporters, sympathizers, apologists, appeasers and obfuscators."
Sex Robot Convention Relocated After Terror Tip-Off
"The sex robot looks like Barbie. Mattel should sue."

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Just 3 days to go!!

Clarion Intelligence Network
Exposing Radical Islam in America

We've almost raised $50,000!

Your donation can help us reach our goal, and ensure that our work in battling radical Islam can be taken to the next level!

Spearheaded by Ryan Mauro, Clarion Project's Shillman Fellow and National Security Analyst, we are launching the Clarion Intelligence Network, a new division which will use specialized software and a team in the field to analyze vast amounts of intelligence to share with law enforcement agencies.


Donating to our crowdfunding campaign will help us to take the next steps in exposing and destabilizing domestic terrorist organizations, and allow us to educate the general public and policymakers about the dangers of Islamist extremism.

What's more, all donations will be matched, so your impact will be doubled!!


We deeply appreciate your support. Thank you in advance for your generosity.

Richard Green
Executive Director, Clarion Project
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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

How Trump Is Saving Western Civilization

How Trump Is Saving Western CivilizationHe's brought the issue of radical Islam to the fore Read
Read and Watch
Michael Jackson Dances in a Mosque? Blasphemy!The Egyptian film Sheikh Jackson, Egypt's Oscar nominee, is in hot waterRead and Watch
News Analysis
Why A Small Minority Can Ruin It For the Rest of UsWhile this true, this principle provides a solution as well Read
Report: Muslim Brotherhood Involved in UK Terror Attacks'Brotherhood also planning embassy attacks'Read
We Will Dig Trump's Grave: Palestinian ClericSays 'cut off the tongues that talk about the peace process'Watch
Poll Results
Poll Results: Can Comedy Fight Terror?One reader wrote: 'You can't take these clowns to be serious, can you?'Read
Readers Write
Pentagon Confirms Ground Missions in Yemen
"Bring our troops home or at least rotate them. It's time to let these people take care of their own stuff. We've got some serious problems here at home to deal with."

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