Wednesday, November 29, 2017

ISIS Video: Crucified, Amputated, Decapitated

ISIS Video: Crucified, Amputated, DecapitatedA child leads the death paradeWatch
Ex-ISIS Wife in US Speaks OutThe British wife of an American senior ISIS leader tells her story Watch
Florida Man Gets 25 Years for Attempted BombingJames Medina was planning to bomb a synagogue on a Jewish holidayRead
'My Husband Wants to Radicalize Our Son'NY mother requests sole custody to counter ex-husband's extremismRead
5 Cases of Christian PersecutionTurkey continues to hold an American pastor as a pawn for gov't cooperationRead
Readers Write
It's Time for US Drones to Take on ISIS in Egypt
"I think if you give the Egyptians some time, they will take out the people responsible for this last atrocity. They don't like it any more than we do, and they have considerable resources. You watch. They will act."
Photo Quiz: Can You Spot the Security Measures?
"The wrapped package by itself could be considered a package left alone and potential bomb."

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Tuesday, November 28, 2017

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Monday, November 27, 2017

Inside the Jihadi Mind: What Makes It Tick

Inside the Jihadi Mind: What Makes It Tick?A fascinating interview with Dr. Nancy Hartevelt Kobrin, psychoanalyst and counter terrorist expertIn-Depth
Should Artwork From GITMO Prisoners Be Displayed?An exhibit at a NY college is under fire. Take our pollVote
Terror in the Workplace: How to Counter the Threat?Advice from a corporate director of Delta AirlinesRead
Meet Hezbollah - the Non-State SuperpowerThe terror organization is growing in strengthLearn and Share
Readers Write
Should America Be Worried About a Saudi-Iranian War?
"Support the reforming House of Saud with intelligence and weapons to decimate the terrorist Iranians."
Islamist Extremists Gather Near DC to Promote Jihad
"The only reason this is allowed and continues is because we as citizens allow it, and our elected officials refuse to due anything about it"

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Sunday, November 26, 2017

Gov’t Confirms U.S. Jihadi Cult Under Investigation

Gov't Confirms US Jihadi Cult Under InvestigationMuslims of America (MOA) is known for its "Islamic villages" in North AmericaRead
It's Time for US Drones to Take on ISIS in EgyptThere's no risk to American troops. It's a win-winListen and Comment
Jihadis Imperil Europe - Under Threat From Shiites, SunnisIran warns of ballistic missile attack, while ISIS targets Christmas marketsRead
News Analysis
Reactions to the HorrorWhat the Egyptian media said about the mosque attack in the SinaiRead
Readers Write
Islamist Extremists Gather Near DC to Promote Jihad
"When someone tells you who they are...believe them! It shows an incredible lack of imagination for the U.S. to allow this type of gathering and the hatred that spews from it. It goes waaay beyond free speech and is a clear harbinger of their ultimate objective."
Hackers Substitute Porn on ISIS Sites
"Then will we finally see that pornography destroys men and their minds?"

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