Friday, September 29, 2017

Who's Fighting ISIS Alongside America?

Who's Fighting ISIS Alongside America?Learn about the global coalition Read
Cracking Down on Terror: US vs CanadaHow the justice systems differ in dealing with terror threatsRead and Share
Duped into the Anti-'Islamophobia' MotionIslamists set the agenda for CanadaRead
News Analysis
Mass Hindu Graves Linked to Rohingya Islamist RebelsThe Myanmar army's atrocities have taken the focus off the rebelsRead
Why Didn't Trump Support the Kurdish Independence Vote?Is war likely to break out over the Kurdish independence voteWatch
Readers Write
Arab Women Breaking the Glass Ceiling
"It's good to hear news like this. On a better path."
Free Raif Badawi: Plea at UN Human Rights Council
"With Saudis head of UN Human Rights .... spare this man's life. God knows the Saudi's human records are the worst and why they head this is a travesty!"

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Sarsour Claims Trump Travel Restrictions Are 'Muslim Ban 3.0'

News Analysis
Sarsour Claims Trump Travel Restrictions Are 'Muslim Ban 3.0'Even though they include two non-Muslim countriesRead
Saudi Arabia's King Just Let Women DriveHis decree is pending evaluation by a committee of ministersRead
Gang Raped for Brother's Love Marriage'Culture is no excuse for abuse'Read
Trump Wants to Lower Number of Refugees: ReportThe cap being proposed would be at 45,000Read
How People Find ISIS on the WebWho is seeking information on Islamic StateLearn and Share
Kurdistan Votes 'Yes' to Independence The September 25 referendum could trigger the breakup of IraqVote
Shame on US: Trump Puts Politics Before Kurdish AlliesWhite House abandons Kurds for Iran, Turkey and IraqRead
Readers Write
Showdown: Trump Versus Radical Islam – Vote Now
"Uh, how about breaking the sick & twisted alliance with Saudi Arabia, which is the source of most of this Wahhabi Islamism???"
Iran Ready to Use 10-Ton Bomb Against Americans
"Gee so glad Obama and Kerry made that 'deal' with them."

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Muslim Missionaries (Knock Knock!) 

Expose the Dangers of Radical Islam Through Film:

They Won't Stop Until They Destroy Our Western Ideals


Your role to play in DOUBLING YOUR IMPACT to produce SIX FILMS that will expose the dangers of Dawa.

Islamists will not rest until they accomplish their goal of a final and resolute jihad through violent and non-violent extremism.

Dawa is a threat to the democratic principles that built western society.

But luckily, there is something you can do to counter these extremist messages.

You have a role to play in producing six films that will bring the deathly missions of Islamists to light.

When you give to the Clarion Project, you safeguard free speech and human rights. Because of you, six films will be produced spotlighting the dangers of dawa. Because of you, more people will understand that Islamists want nothing more than to convert as many people as possible to Islam and radicaliz them to commit terror. That Islamists will manipulate governments to accomplish their goals. It has never been more important to reject radical Islam and its dangerous ideals.

You can educate the masses so they understand the dangers of radical Islam. You can deliver the truth.

By supporting the Clarion Project's award-winning films, millions of people will learn what really happens in the name of radical Islam.

Because of you, not only will more people see the Clarion Project films and understand and internalize the threats posed by radical Islam… they will take action to denounce and reform this global threat.

If you wish you could do something about the extreme violence and cruelty perpetrated through Dawa, this is the campaign for you.

If you are outraged about radical Islam's inhumane treatment of women and children, this is the campaign for you.

If you want to wake people up... to tell them to take action against violent extremists, this is the campaign for you.

>> Support the Clarion Project films and tell the world that it's time to wake up!! <<

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Monday, September 25, 2017

Trump at the UN and Team America

Trump at the UN and Team AmericaThis 2004 Puppet Superhero just became real Read
Graphic Video: See ISIS Tank Destroyed - From the InsideFootage was filmed by an ISIS fighter Watch
Raza: Are You Cowardly Romancing the Vote Bank?A challenge to our elected officialsWatch
Danish PM Warns of No-Go ZonesThe admissions was a shocking break in protocolRead
Shocking Confessions from a Kidnapper of Christian GirlsKidnappings and forcible conversion are at an all-time high in EgyptRead
Arab League Opposition to Kurds Only Fuels IranIt's time for strategic pragmatism alone Read
Readers Write
Should Trump Send More Troops to Afghanistan?
"No, but the time has come for other Muslims to do something if they really care."
5 Things You Can Do to Challenge Radical Islam
"'If you see something say something,' unless it involves groups of Muslim men gang raping young British white girls, then we are not interested and will charge you with anti-Muslim bigotry."

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA