Wednesday, August 30, 2017

What Do U.S. Muslims Really Think?

News Analysis
U.S. Muslims Open to Multiple Interpretations of Islam: PollTime for the reform minded to be given a chanceRead
Iran Upholds Convictions of AmericansA son and his elderly father are deteriorating in Evin PrisonRead
Secrecy Shrouds Weekend Arrest in MichiganSpeculation is rife that a terrorist attack was twartedRead
NY Man Arrested for Attempting to Join ISIS in SyriaUS officials tracked down Parveg Ahmed in Jordan as he tried to enter SyriaRead
News Analysis
France's New Priorities: Security, Eradicating Islamist TerrorismPresident Macron is ready for the good fightRead
Readers Write
U.S. Muslims Open to Multiple Interpretations of Islam: Poll
"Without a constructive reformation of Islam, the hate and intolerance will continue amongst many Muslims. Islam needs to restate the Quran for the sake of living with the rest of humanity. Otherwise, the isolation and terrorism will continue."
ISIS Defeated in Syria – Not Necessarily Good News
"Now wait for the next phase of what USA has in mind. First Taliban. Then ISIS. Wait for what is coming next. This isn't over by a long shot!"

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Are they winning??


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But we're fighting an uphill battle.

For every tweet or post we publish, they have hundreds.

For every dollar we spend trying to counter the extremists, they spend thousands of dollars to flood the internet with their poisonous ideology.


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Monday, August 28, 2017

American ISIS Child: Modern-Day Nazism

GRAPHIC VIDEO: ISIS-Brainwashed Child ExecutionerJust the latest child on the ISIS conveyor beltWatch
NY Court Indicts Radical Cleric for Supporting TerrorAbdullah Faisal was previously jailed in the UKRead
Iran Sentences New Age Leader to DeathThe ayatollahs see him as a cult leaderRead
Readers Write
Has Trump Kept His Word on Radical Islam?
"You asked for my thoughts; here they are. I am perplexed and deeply concerned regarding the administrations policies toward Qatar, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood... and Palestinians. McMaster and Tillerson give every indication this administration is following the Obama administration's pro-Brotherhood, pro-Hamas, pro-Palestinian policies. There is no two state solution as long as Arab/Palestinian destruction of the state of Israel is their end game. Does this administration still give comfort and support to Brotherhood aiders in the multiple federal departments?"
NY Court Indicts Radical Cleric for Supporting Terror
"The weak, ineffective alternative to declaring war on Islamism."

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Sunday, August 27, 2017

How Is the Trump Administration Performing on Radical Islam?

Has Trump Kept His Word on Radical Islam?How the Trump administration measures up to its campaign promises.Read & Comment
News Analysis
25 Reasons to Reassign General H.R. McMasterOn radical Islam, the national security advisir is out of line.Read
Secretary of Defense Mattis: What's With the Flip-Flops?One wonders at times if Trump accidentally appointed an alien version of Mattis.Read
News Analysis
Secretary of State Shills for Muslim Brotherhood, QatarExperts say Tillerson is sabotaging Trump's foreign policy and want him out.Read
Why Is Rex Tillerson Undermining the Fight Against Qatar?The Secretary of State should keep quiet.Read
Chief of Staff Kelly Thanked CAIRGeneral John Kelly replaces Rence Priebus.Read
Readers Write
California Imam: ISIS Is Israeli Funded
"So, if I say anything I like against religion, I'd be arrested for hate crime, yet Imams have total freedom to say whatever idiotic thought comes in their head??"
Nursery School Children Show Signs of Radicalization
"A free hug will help them to integrate... if it doesn't work, and they blow up something, teddy bears and hashtag prayers will bring back the victims."

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