Friday, April 28, 2017

Let's Make 'Never Again' a Reality

Let's Make 'Never Again' a Reality Speak out against the genocide of Christians and Yazidis Get informed
Clarion's Facebook Fans Celebrate ISIS Boar Gore Clarion's supporters took to Facebook to praise the pigs Read more
Escaped Women Still Having Nightmares About ISIS 'Biters' Female ISIS fighters can escape much easier than the men Read
Hijab Rights for All Women? In the debate about hijabs, those who are forced to wear them have no voice. Read
News Analysis
Iran's 6 Presidential Candidates for May 19 "Election" The Ayatollah's Supreme Council disqualified almost 1,6000 other candidates, including all the women. Get Informed
Childhood Is the Kingdom Where Nobody Dies Springs of Hope Foundation and the kids rescued from Islamic State Take Action
News Analysis
Syrian Christian Militia Condemns Turkey for Bombing Kurds The US must face the reality that Turkey is now in the Islamist camp. Read
Readers Write
Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY
"If American women are serious about their "marches" for equality, et al, they should be protesting this woman when she gives public speeches."
- T.S.
Saudi Arabia Appointed to UN Commission on Women
"What a heart warming situation for women's no rights. Those men are so hungry for power they will demoralize all women to the level of a dog. The UN is a shame on humanity just being in existence."
- G.M.

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltrate America

Clarion top tier group advance copy of Clarion's film series The Third Jihad.
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We are excited to send you an advance copy of episode 13 of our film series The Third Jihad.

In this episode, Clarion Project exposes numerous groups such as CAIR, ISNA and the Muslim Students Association that would not condemn 9/11, Hamas and Hezbollah. Their parent group, the Muslim Brotherhood, is responsible for global terror and nurturing many well known terror organizations.
Previous episodes can be seen here.

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Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Al-Qaeda Chief Warns of Attacks on US '1,000 Times 9/11'

Al-Qaeda Chief Warns of Attacks on US '1,000 Times 9/11'In retaliation for American 'aggression'Watch
Boared to Death: ISIS Fighters Trampled in Pig AttackA herd of wild boar rooted out an ISIS militia forceRead
Open Letter to Mike Pence: Stop Saudis From Steamrolling Indonesian IslamVice-President Mike Pence praised Indonesian Islam, but is turning a blind eye to its eradication. Read
What the Pope Should Know Before He Visits Egypt This WeekChristians in Egypt face rising persecution. Read
Faithkeepers - Be Your Brothers' KeeperWatch exclusive video from Clarion's new film.Host a Screening
Readers Write
Saudi Arabia Appointed to UN Commission on Women
"Beyond parody.. but then what else to expect from UN? The largest bloc is the Muslim one in the UN, over 50 Islamic states, and Saudi Arabia is their standard-bearer. How can anyone think the medieval kingdom is fit to speak on women's issues???"
Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY
"Well that makes sense ... George Orwell would be proud. "Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them." If you can't indoctrinate them during their college graduation - you've lost them..."

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA

Monday, April 24, 2017

Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY

Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNYLinda Sarsour was selected by the university, which is funded by tax-payer money.Read
News Analysis
Iranian Opposition Reveals Alleged Secret Nuke ActivityThe revelations followed the State Dept.'s determination that Iran was in compliance with the nuclear deal.Get Informed
Commemorating the Armenian Genocide5 Facts About How and Why the Turks Slaughtered 1.5 Armenians Be Informed
Life Insurance for Terrorists' Families?A law banning life terrorist insurance payouts passed the Minnesota House without the vote of Minnesota's first Muslim legislator.Read
Who Will Win the French Election?After Sunday's first round of voting they've whittled the field down to two candidates.Find out now
FGM in US: Second Doctor ChargedThe doctor was charged along with his wife.Read
Christian Mother's Last AppealAsia Bibi, framed for blasphemy in Pakistan, appeals once again to the Supreme Court.Sign Petition
Readers Write
Sharia-Advocate Sarsour to Give Graduation Address at CUNY
"Look at the fuss they made about Milo Yiannopoulos , they wouldn't let a gay guy speak at Berkeley, but this woman can speak at CUNY!!?? God help American kids they will truly be messed up"
Five Americans Who Are Standing Up Against Radical Islam
"wonderful article! I love to learn about the brave people working to promote a sane, intelligent response to problems associated with Islamic religion and associated societies. These folks are today's heroes."

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Clarion Project · 2020 Pennsylvania Avenue NW · Box 395 · Washington, DC 20006 · USA